Essay Instructions: The paper should be 3 pages APA STYLE.conduct a clinical interview with a fictitious client providing information to be utilized to write a comprehensive assessment report. The report should include relevant sections with titles (e.g. Reason for Referral, Background information). The report should be written in APA format, i.e., typed, single spaced, 1-inch margins on all sides, 12-point, Times New Roman Font (or similar font), and left aligned text.
1) Provide demographic information, characteristics, and/or symptoms of the client portrayed in the role play.
2) Describe the feelings, thoughts, and reactions associated with being in the client's ?seat.?
3) Discuss the therapeutic experience reactions to the therapist, and the rapport.
4) explain the needs and expectations that were met and those left unmet in the therapy session.
Fictitious CLIENT
1. *Client name: Celina Smith
2. *She is from Atlanta, GA
3. Age: 27
4. Gender: Female
5. Race: African American
6. Education: High School Graduated
7. Siblings?: One Brother Name Mark
8. Parents: died in a car crash
9. Diagnoses: She suffers from Anxiety & Manic Depression
1. Assessment
Client?s Identifying Information and History: Describe your client?s sex, age, socio-economic status, race/ethnicity, religious or spiritual affiliation, relational status, occupation, education, current living situation including description of family constellation at the time of the session. Please disguise (or vaguely identify) the individual and/or institutional setting presented in the transcript and report. The intent at all times is to protect the confidentiality of the client.
History: Include an assessment of developmental issues and concerns, family history (including a genogram if appropriate), academic/vocational history (achievements, problems, aspirations, relationships with authority figures), peer relationships, sexual history, where appropriate, medical history, and legal history.
Presenting Problem: Describe symptoms, anxieties, moods, difficulties in personal, relational, educational, and/or occupational situations and activities at the time of the initial assessment; overt reason(s) for seeking help at the time; referral route to the counselor.
Relevant Behavioral Observations: Include salient aspects of physical appearance and mannerisms, as well as observations of significant interactions with you during the course of the interview. Relevant observations include the client?s apparent state of health, estimate of intellectual and cognitive functioning, physical coordination, affect, indications of distress, and any oddities or peculiarities in the client?s behavior, and physical make-up. This section should also include the data found from the mental status examination and a description of the client?s strengths/resources and weaknesses/limitations.
2. Theoretical Formulation
The case development will vary depending upon the theory of psychotherapy you are applying to this case. Your approach to therapy will greatly influence the case formulation process. An awareness of the impact of the client?s cultural background and present experience on the therapeutic process is an exceptionally important part of this formulation. In this section you will provide a hypothesis about the causes, precipitants, and maintaining influences of the client?s psychological, interpersonal, and behavioral (career, etc.) problems. As a hypothesis, your case formulation may include inferences about predisposing vulnerabilities based on early childhood traumas, a pathogenic learning history, biological or genetic inferences, sociocultural influences, and beliefs about the self and others.
3. Diagnostic Formulation
In consideration of all of the information gathered, provide an appropriate diagnosis of the ?client? utilizing the DSM-IV-TR diagnosis. Your diagnosis must be specific, detailed, and accurate as possible, across all 5 axes. This section must also include a detailed rationale for the diagnoses given, criteria that were met, as well as diagnostic rule-outs and rationale.
4. Treatment Plan
The nature of the treatment plan and its interventions should follow logically from your case formulation and diagnosis/assessment of the client. These should be as comprehensive, specific, accurate, and detailed as possible. You must describe immediate, short term, and long term treatment goals.
5. Self Evaluation
Your analysis should include:
1) The beginning of the hour -Discuss prominent indicators of quality of rapport, your feelings at the outset of the interview, and your sense of the client?s feelings at the outset of the interview. Is there something unusual going on? Is the client slow to ?warm up? or is the client able to engage immediately? Are your feelings at the start of this interview typical or atypical for you? Include any other salient observations you have about the interview.
2) Helpful/Problematic interactions ? Define and clearly state what was helpful and therapeutic about the exchange as concretely as possible. Define and clearly state your best understanding as to why it was helpful. Give concrete examples of what contributed to the value of the exchange. Discuss the understanding that you had that led to your responses or exchanges. Discuss, as concretely as possible, any interactions that seemed problematic, or did not go as well as you would have desired. Define and clearly state your best understanding as to why it did not go well. Give concrete examples that contributed to the problems in the exchange. Discuss any personal issues, counter transference issues, or other problems that may have contributed to the interaction being less than successful. The paper will end with an overall critique of the entire interview and a discussion regarding cultural/ethnic/gender/spiritual/sexual orientation/age variables that may have impacted the interview process.