
Client Information: Alexandria Wright, 37 years old, female

Description Alexandria Wright is a 37-year-old female who came to Dr. Hidlan for therapy. She is married and has two children, both boys. Alexandria also has three sisters: one older and two younger.

The client mentioned that she had counseling a year ago, but has no history of psychiatric evaluation. Although the client has no official history of diagnosis, she has had some issues relating to her family members. She gets along well with one of her sisters, but not as well with the others. Her sisters view Alexandria as being a "perfectionist" and overly obsessed with organizing things.

Client Mental State

Cognition: Alexandria's thoughts are generally clear and she has a good deal of self-awareness. However, she might be in denial about the extent to which her hyper-organizing is a sign or symptom of an underlying problem. Her thoughts are...
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