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Personal Goals Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Personal Goals College Essay Examples

Title: nursing informatics

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1210 Sources: 4 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Following a phone call met up with preceptor and co-preceptor our areas of discussion:
My areas of interest: Education and training. HIT is rapidly, continuously changing. important to keep staff engaged.
Career goals. Attend a "boot camp" post school. According to preceptor no such thing. We are continuously learning/developing.
A focus for practicum experience. An efficient and accurate use of medical knowledge in patient care
Develop personal goals. To motivate nurses through training/development.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: strengths and weaknesses of spencer's model of staff development

Total Pages: 8 Words: 2917 References: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Please answer this question:
*Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Spencer model of staff development, and assess its relevance to your organization/ department/ section.

( An essay is essentially an argument within you present evidence to support yur point of view. You should , however, critically analyze both your argument and your edvidence before drawing conclusions.)

This is a management course and the unit study is ---fundamentals of staff development.

John spencer's model of staff development:( 10 principles) ( attitudinal principle)
1. heterogeneity
2. accountability and responsibility
3. altruistic vision
( action principle)
1. recruitment and selection of staff
2. staff induction
3.staff supervision
4.staff evaluation
5. planned individual development
6. further professional (growth ) development
7. career path planning

you can view this as some reference of the 10 principles, however, it doesnt cover enough details.
Spencer divides the 10 steps in his model into two different categories that he believes will help the HR department find and focus in on those skills and priorities which will transform them. As I evaluated these 10 steps, I would separate the two categories into three. He separates them into Action steps and attitudinal steps. In the group of action steps, these could be further divided into Action ?V maintenance and monitoring, and Action ?V proactive development.
The 10 Steps of staff Development
Action steps maintenance and monitoring
Recruitment is the first step in the HR task list, and this is the only step in the list which is at considerable disagreement with much research in the field. Spencer insists that an organization takes on the identity of the people that are hired, and finding the right people for the right position is the most important aspect of recruitment. While this is true, often people are hired because they have the right set of skill building blocks, rather than all the essential skills for their new position. Spencer even goes onto say that new people need new skill and remediation to learn their new employers ways of doing business, regardless of prior experiences.
The purpose of the HR department is to find the right person for the right position. However, this responsibility is not the end of the HR developmental responsibility. The HR department must stay connected to the individual, and initiate teaching, training, and coaching so that the new recruits become valuable and integrated into the organization.
The next step, Induction, contains three smaller steps. The new hire needs to be introduced to the organization, and it??s formal policies and procedures. Often HR staff stop their involvement with the new hire at this point, and ??pass them off?? to new supervisors like passing an unwanted problem. However, Spencer suggests that the HR professional should take the process further and familiarize the person with the organization, and make sure they become incorporated in the organization so as to complete the transition.
One of the highest costs to an organization is the cost of finding, hiring and training new members. Therefore, anything that can be done at the beginning of the process to more completely acclimate the new member to the organization ultimately is a cost savings measure. The fully acclimated individual is more able to become a working, and valuable contributor to the organization, thus forming his own psychological contracts with the organization, and maintaining a high level of organizational commitment.
After Induction comes supervision, and for the HR administrator, this seems like an unwanted elephant sitting right in the middle of the desk. The individual department supervisor should perform supervision. But Spencer argues that the HR professional should stay in touch with recruits in order to meta-evaluate their selection processes, and make determinations as to whether or not the personnel need additional training, and skill development. Supervision should not be considered optional, according to Spencer, as all members of rapidly changing organizations will encounter the needs for new skills, and assistance to overcome new obstacles which may, or may not come form their immediate department supervisor. The immediate supervisor is typically task oriented; therefore the impetus for developmental change may have to come from the HR department.
Next, Evaluation is a word which employees love to hate, but evaluation is the checkpoint for the organization to determine if they are moving toward their goals. The evaluation process, according to Spencer, should not be limited to organization??s staff, but also include self evaluation. Is the HR department reaching internal goals, and helping find the right people to help the organization reach group goals? Evaluations, according to Spencer, can be not be solely objective or they will loose connectedness to the person. The evaluations cannot be all subjective either, or they devolve into unformatted, personal opinions.
In the field of performance review, the idea of 360 degree evaluation has found wide acceptance because it puts together a wide collection of evaluations, including objective and subjective, in order to paint an accurate picture of the person being reviewed. 360 Degree evaluations include asking the person to review their own behaviors and progress, asking the person??s subordinated peers, and supervisors to also contribute to the process. By using input from all around the person, hence the 360 degree label, the person is forced to look beyond self perceived boundaries, and develop an understanding of their behaviors which are most closely related to actual behaviors.
Action ?V Proactive development.
The next three steps are closely related, as they all involve helping the individual chart a course for their future involvement with the organization. The action steps of planned individual development planned professional development and career planning help the person find a connection to the values and core beliefs which are important to the individual, and discover how his or her unique desires and talents will be best utilized in the organization. These three personal development stages include a shared important word - planning.
The person who fails to plan plans to fail, on an individual, and at an organizational level. The person needs to have assistance of the HR administrator in order to find those elements of his or her own personality which most accurately fit the organization, and discover which skills and traits he or she may need to develop in order to move toward his or her personal goals. The HR department, by maintaining in regular contact with employees, and using evaluations as a means to point the employee in the direction of their own future, can facilitate building strength into the organization from within.
However, development and planning cannot be forced. The HR professional can encourage, assist, and counsel with the individual. In this case the person is ultimately responsible for his own future, but the HR professional can come along side of the person to help them find and gain access to a future which is desirable to the person.
Attitudinal ?V vision casting.
Vision casting is an important aspect of development and strengthening the organization for future challenges. As the proverb goes, with out a vision for the future, people cast off restraint and often perish. When the individual person does not have a vision for his own future, this person will find it difficult to stay motivated, and will likely find reasons to leave the organization.
Part of vision casting is casting the correct vision of a heterogeneous organization, which is composed of multicultural individuals who are all committed to the same goals. A heterogeneous organization understands and makes allowances for personal differences, but at the same time is willing to work through those differences for the common goals of the organization. The Heterogeneous organization needs to cast this as a vision for itself, otherwise the organization can appear too demanding of uniformity, and loose the unique contributions of the person. Or they can appear too informal, and loose energy in random directions which should be directed toward the organizations goals.
The final attitudinal steps serve as the foundation and the ceiling which covers the entire process. The foundation is personal responsibility. Each member of the organization needs to understand that they are personally responsible for their own jobs, and their own future. A proactive personnel policy is not to be confuses with a co-dependant department which enables individuals to underperforms, and blame others. The HR department also needs to communicate that each member is accountable, that is responsible to another person for their performance. The concept of an ultimate accountability is found in theological circles, according to Spencer, and needs to be taught in order to set the standards in the organization for personal performance which is connected to another person which will be overseeing the progress.

For the part 'assess its relevance to your organization/ department/ section' , as I am a sales in a jewelry company, please use my post to apply in it.

References or bibliography:
It is a method of maintaining consistency when presenting the sources of ideas or information you may have borrowed form others. It acknowledges the author, date of publication and page number if necessary in the text, with full details of the work provided in the list of references or bibliography at the end of the text.
***Guidelines for textual references: If the author's name is not used in the text( weak author orientation) the author's name, the year of publication and the page number appear in parentheses immediately after the quote. Note that the full-stop appears after the parentheses are closed.
example: The success of Cook's voyages has been attributed, in part, toimproved means of navigation and nutrition(Blainey 1966: 11-13)
( please bold the sentences which are quoted by the authors or professors and state the the author, date of publication and page number behind those sentences.)

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Lessons Learned

Total Pages: 3 Words: 965 Works Cited: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Write a 3 page paper on the lessons you have learned at University of Phoenix, the college of working professionals relative to your educational experience (Bachelor of Science in Information Technology).

Assume an entering Freshman asked you for your advice or insights on what you did right and what you would do differently.

Enclosed is a background paper used to set my goals

Here is a background paper on my goals:
Personal Goals As A University Of Phoenix Student

Earning a Bachelor?s of Science degree in Information Technology at University of Phoenix will contribute to my personal goals in two ways. Firstly, it will enhance the skills that I use every day in my current job and secondly, it will allow me to pursue a change of career.
Firstly, as defined in most publications, a Bachelor?s degree helps an individual acquire the writing skills, oral communication skills, and critical thinking skills associated with the foundation experiences in the arts and sciences. Even though I have not been in an academic role for over 20 years, I work with these skills every day. This includes activities such as participating in working groups, giving daily briefs and working on time critical projects associated with the Department of Defense. Completing the Bachelors degree will help me to acquire and develop these skills, which can then be applied to my current job.
Secondly, the Bachelors degree is essential in helping me manage a career change into a new field outside of the armed forces. The degree is a stepping stone that will give me the educational background I can then combine with my work and life experience to move on to a new career. The ultimate goal at University of Phoenix is to complete a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology. The Bachelors degree will help me prepare for the Bachelor of Science degree, which will ultimately lead me to a new career outside of the armed forces.
Promotions within the military are very tight, especially when they want a younger and smaller force. This means there is not a lot of future for me in the Navy. For this reason, I am keen to prepare myself for civilian employment.
In the remainder of the paper I will discuss how I will achieve my personal goals at University of Phoenix. This will include the most important things I have learned from military training and life experience.
My time in the military has been a learning experience, where I have received training and had many experiences that have taught me a lot. The most significant learning experience was boot camp, which I attended in 1982. Boot camp taught me all the rules needed for a successful career in the Navy. This included being taught about honor, courage and commitment. While these core values were focused on how to have a successful career in the Navy, they apply equally to all aspects of my life and will also apply to the civilian career I intend to pursue.
In my daily life these core values have helped me develop relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates. They have also made me willing to make honest recommendations and accept those recommendations of junior personnel. The core values have also acted as a guide and have given me the moral and mental strength to do what was right, even in the face of personal or professional adversity. The training taught me to treat each individual with human dignity and be committed to positive change and constant improvement.
The ideals learned at boot camp were the qualities I based my Navy career on. As well as this, these qualities also extended to my personal life and to my relationships outside of the Navy. Even when I leave the Navy, I will continue to apply these values to my life and to my future career. These are the core values that have become part of my overall perspective. I apply these values not only to my Navy career but also to study and to a future career. These values will continue to guide me and help me to achieve my personal goals at University of Phoenix in completing the Bachelors degree and building a new career outside of the Navy.
After 20 years in the armed forces, I am ready to move on and begin a new career. My experiences and learning in the Navy have taught me a lot and I will continue to apply the skills and values I have learned to a new career. My own life experiences have also taught me a lot and I will apply what I have learned to a new set of goals.
While I have had many experiences in the Navy, I have not had much experience with college education. The Bachelors Degree is part of my plan to move on to a new career outside of the Navy. It will give me the education and knowledge to move onto a new career. Combined with the skills and knowledge obtained from my training and experience in the armed forces, this will allow me to continue on and complete a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology. This degree will then allow me to begin a new career in information technology.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Path Goal and Expectancy Theories in Invictus Glory Road Miracle

Total Pages: 8 Words: 2650 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Please rent and watch one of the following (see end of assignment for description of
each movie):
• "Miracle"
• “Glory Road”
• “Invictus”

Write an 8- to 10-page paper commenting on ALL the following (see important
formatting instructions below):

(1) Using examples from the movie, explain and support ALL the various aspects
of Path-Goal theory (The only thing you will need to use to learn about this theory
should be the summary (ATTACHED) --- the key parts are the four leadership behaviors
as well as the subordinate and contingency factors).
This is a leadership theory, therefore, you need to look at the ‘leader’ for
examples (how can his/her actions be explained using the theory). Please note that
2-3 examples of each area are expected along with a discussion that demonstrates
your understanding of the theory. It’s important that you understand the theory … do
not switch leaders in your examples or from one example to another as that is
completely contrary to what the theory states is needed.

(2) Using the Expectancy Theory of Motivation, give examples from the movie that
support and/or contradict ALL three ‘links’ … these are designated as
‘Effort-Performance’, ‘Performance-Rewards’, and ‘Rewards-Personal goals’. Each link
should be addressed separately and be clearly identified. Information on this theory
is found on pages 86-87 of the text. (ATTACHED)
This is a motivation theory, therefore, you need to look at the ‘followers’ (those
being led) and NOT at the leader to determine if all the ‘links’ are present in
order to explain their motivation … this means that each individual has to actually
be shown to go through all three links for the theory to apply.

• Each theory should be covered in approximately 4-5 pages (for a total of
8-10 pages). DO NOT try to roll both questions together as one covers leadership and
the other motivation.
• 1” margins (all sides) with 12 pt. font (Times Roman or Arial) and double
spaced. You must pay close attention to grammar, punctuation.
.• Clarity is a MANDATORY requirement. In order to achieve this you MUST
highlight the key words that represent ‘parts’ of the theory being covered in that
paragraph either by bold, underline, or italics (Note: I do not want the examples to
be highlighted or even the explanation of the ‘key parts of each theory’ … just the
words that relate to the ‘parts’ themselves). Failure to highlight in one of these
manners will result in an automatic 1 point deduction.
• This ISN'T a consultant's report --- start by doing an outline of the
theories (each in its own section of the paper), covering each 'part' and 'link' ---
this will give you the 'highlighting' that I'm talking about --- then fill in the
examples of each part or link below it with examples (remember, I am asking for at
least 2-3 of each). You can leave the initial part in outline form and just use
paragraph form for the examples.
There are faxes for this order.

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