Essay Instructions: 1
Weather Observation Project
During your first week of project (either November 14-18 or November 21-25 inclusive), you are to collect data for 0400 (12Z), 1000 (18Z), 1600 (00Z) and 2200 (06Z) hours at the Environment Canada website ( From that page, record the following on the data sheet --- temperature, relative humidity, dew-point temperature, wind direction, wind speed, and barometric pressure. (Note: Do not record your data from the historical weather page. You will receive a zero for your data collection if you do so.)
On this page --, record the following:
• maximum temperature, minimum temperature, precipitation (for the previous day)
• normal maximum temperature and normal minimum temperature (for the current day)
In addition, you should also be collecting weather maps for all 5 days. They include four surface maps per day (12Z, 18Z, 00Z, 06Z,) and one jet stream map per day (any times will do). These maps are available on the following websites:
• Environment Canada ( for surface maps
• San Francisco State University ( for jet stream maps
NOTE: Weather maps from Environment Canada are not archived. Make sure you save or print out the maps once a day.
Satellites images are useful to look at. They are also available on the Environment Canada website ( or on the SFSU website (
Using your collected data, construct a meteogram (a time-series of weather variables at a location) on a metric graph paper (note: you can use a spreadsheet program for the meteogram if you’d like, but make sure you have all the necessary components, e.g. title, legend, labeling axes, etc.). You only need to include barometric pressure, relative humidity, temperature and precipitation in the meteogram.
Based on your data, meteogram and weather maps, you should provide a day-by-day account of the synoptic conditions and weather observed in a report of approximately 2.5 to 3 pages (double-spaced, typewritten in 12-point font). This involves describing the synoptic situation as shown on weather maps, describing the observed weather specifically referencing your data, and explaining the observation in terms of the synoptic pattern.
In-text citations and a bibliography are required if other sources of information are used (e.g. textbook, internet).
Evaluation of the weather observation project will be based on:
1) the clarity and accuracy of your daily weather log (20%),
2) the clarity and accuracy of your meteogram (15%),
3) your understanding of the synoptic conditions (i.e. how well you interpret your data and weather maps) (35%), and
4) your discussion of the causes of the weather (i.e. explaining why things happened, not describing them) (30%).
Marks will be deducted for late reports (10% of your report grade per day, or portions thereof, including holidays and weekends), non-typewritten ones, reports with spelling mistakes, poor grammar and awkward expressions.
1) Feel free to work with a classmate, but keep in mind that your meteogram and write-up have to be your own individual work.
2) Even though the weather maps and satellite images are available on the internet, it is your responsibility to get copies of them every day.
3) For your own safety, always have a backup copy of your report (either on your computer, a flash drive, etc.).
4) The project accounts for 8% of your final grade.
5) Submit your project to either your lab assistant or myself. Do not slip your projects under our doors.
6) Do not submit your project electronically.
What you need to hand in:
1) Data sheet
2) Meteogram
3) 2-1/2 to 3-page write-up
4) Bibliography and in-text citations if you used sources of any kind
******You do not need to include weather maps or satellite images with your report (as I have them as well) unless you specifically referred to any of them!
I finished the data sheet and meteogram already, so all i need is a write-up~
There are faxes for this order.