There are, however, a number of types of caves that are formed through different processes (even volcanic action). A new theory says that some caves (about 5%) are caused through the action of sulfuric acid produced by microbial life. In this theory, microbes consume materials, oils, etc. And release hydrogen sulfide gas, which then in turn rises through rocks and combines with groundwater to produce sulfuric acid, which then eats away at the surrounding rock and mineral deposits (Cave Formation, 2002).

Guided Inquiry Method on Caves-




What are caves? How are they formed?

Brief PowerPoint or video on cave formation. / ess05.sci.ess.earthsys.cavebiogeo/

Ask: How are caves formed? What are different processes? What kinds of processes act together to form caves? Why are caves near volcanos different than caves near limestone mountains?


List all the facts learned about caves. Visit some of the cave websites available...
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