Essay Instructions: PART A. ? GENERAL RULES
SECTION I ? CONTENT MASTERY: The student must evidence an understanding of the facts, concepts, and theories presented in the assigned readings and the applicable lectures. This ability is the basis for all higher-level skills in the mastery of this disciplines content and must be made evident by the student?s responses in the Research Paper.
SECTION II ? COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The student must be able to inform others in an intelligent manner what the student knows. Ideas must be communicated clearly and persuasively. The student should respond in a clear manner, avoiding rambling discourses, use the proper theories and vocabulary pertinent to the issues being examined, build upon the ideas of others, etc.
SECTION III ? SYNTHESIS/INTEGRATION: The student must illuminate the connections between the material under consideration and other bodies of knowledge. For example, one could take several ideas from the readings or class discussions and combine them to produce a new perspective on an issue, or one could take outside materials and combine them to create novel insights. Students who probe the interdisciplinary roots of the theories presented or who are able to view the course material from several viewpoints demonstrate this skill.
SECTION IV ? CREATIVITY: The student must demonstrate that the student has mastered the basic material and has gone on to produce the student?s own insight. A simple repetition of ideas from the textbook, outside reading assignments and/or lectures will not suffice, nor will simply commenting on what other have said. The students must go beyond the obvious by bring their own belief and imagination to bear. Creativity may be display is correct, or incorrect; the student must be able to state why, based on some plausible reasons or evidence presented. In either accepting or rejecting a position, other values must become explicit.
SECTION V ? VALUING: The student should be able to identify the values inherent in the material studied. The underlying assumptions of the author should be identified. Furthermore, the student should be able to articulate the student's own position by reference to basic underlying values. The student must not simply assume that something is correct, or incorrect; the student must be able to state why, based on some plausible reasons or evidence presented. In either accepting or rejecting a position, other values must become explicit
SECTION I RESEARCH PAPER INQUIRY: There is no set formulas that can be applied to all issues/problems being studied; however the following rules of inquiry should be utilized to guide the investigation and explanation of the research paper?s topic.
Do not assume that any issue/problem can be studied as though it was unchanging and isolated from other social phenomena.
In dealing with social change, study an issues/problem in terms of its evolutionary development; what is the origin of its present form; in what ways is it now evolving; and, what are its potential consequences and future forms?
In order to understand the evolutionary development of a problem; investigate the opposing elements and tendencies representing contradictions within it.
Investigate the nature of internal conflict and the direction in which opposing tendencies are developing and determine which tendencies are weaker and which stronger.
Look for changes that are not only quantitative but also qualitative.
In analyzing change and development of the research issue/problem, examine the connection and interrelations between elements of the process of change ? do not treat developments in isolation from one another.
Do not treat ideas or theories as eternal and unchanging truths; the meanings of idea change with time, place, and circumstance; context, and context changes determine meaning.
SECTION III ? STYLE FOR THE PAPER: The paper shall be:
Typed, one and one-half line spaced, with one [1] inch margins, headers and footers, utilizing normal size print fonts [usually assumed to either 10 or 12 point];
Of a text page length of not less than twelve [12] pages or more than fifteen [15] pages [title pages, abstract page, charts, graphs, tables, endnote page(s), and/or bibliography pages are not considered text pages];
Based upon a style as set forth by the University of Chicago A Manual of Style, the American Psychology Association style for publication, or other similar accepted style.
SECTION IV ? STRUCTURE FOR THE PAPER: The basic structure of the research paper should be developed with the following details ?
E. The Question/Issue/Problem Being Investigated.
1. Brief statement of the question/issue/problem.
2. Genesis, milieu, background of the question/ issue/problem.
3. The importance/significance of the question/ issue/problem.
4. Specification/description of the research question(s).
F. Literature Review.
1. General overview of the body(ies) of literature, which theoretically focuses and informs the study.
2. Description of the specific and narrowly focused literature, which bears directly on the research topic.
3. Relationship of the pertinent literature to the research topic.
G. Analysis of the Question/Issue/Problem Being Investigated utilizing theory[ies] of Sociology Problems
H. Analysis of the Question/Issue/Problem Being Investigated from the issues of the Social Problem
I. Conclusion
The outline for the research paper reflected above is a general guideline; the student's specific paper may require some modification based upon the research topic.
Here is an example of an outline my professor gave in class to be combined with the outline above:
Intro (1/2 pg)
Fuller/Myer's Objective definition of Discrimination Over Sexual Orientation in the U.S Workplace (1/2 pg)
Fuller/Myer's Subjective definition of Discrimination Over Sexual Orientation in the U.S Workplace (1/2 pg)
Example Theory 1 - Value Conflict of Discrimination Over Sexual Orientation in the U.S Workplace (3 pg)
Example Theory 2- Deviant Behavior of Discrimination Over Sexual Orientation in the U.S Workplace (3 pg)
Blumer's Career of a Social Problem in retrospect of Discrimination Over Sexual Orientation in the U.S Workplace (4-5 pgs)
Any theories of a social problem can be used to discuss Discrimination Over Sexual Orientation in the U.S Workplace, but use no more and no less than 2 theories.
The purpose of the Analysis of the Question/Issue/Problem Being Investigated utilizing theory[ies] of a Social Problem section of this paper is the analysis of the topic and not a descriptive or topic presentation. Descriptive and topic presentations tend to create a set of seemingly unrelated analyses and findings, lacking any integration into comprehensive analysis of the topic. The focal point of this research paper is the analysis of the topic, not the simple presentation.
The purpose of the Literature Review section of this paper (Part E of Outline, above) is designed to provide the reader with context of the general body of scientific knowledge in which the analysis of this research paper fits. In addition, the Literature review should bring the reader up?to?date of the previous research pertaining to the specific topic of this research paper: particular emphasis should be placed on the agreements and disagreements concerning this topic; specific domain assumption and frames of reference applicable; models of references and causality required; and, operationalization of the terms, concepts, and theoretical positions necessary for such analysis. In general, the Literature Review section provides the reader with a comprehensive analysis of previous research and theories that focus directly on the concerns of the research topic of this paper and establishes the foundation of the student's argument[s] set forth in the remainder of this research paper.
The student shall use a minimum of 15 references that will be using as supporting material for the research paper. At least 8 of the references must be from primary sources. A primary source includes journals, proceedings, technical notes, and books in which original data are presented. It does not include reviews, surveys, and analyses written by other scientists who may have reviewed many primary sources in their book or paper. The student must attach a copy of the article title page (first page of the article) of each primary source to the required research paper outline.
Two of the minimum 15 sources must be historical references published before 1980. Two others must be recent articles published within the past three years. The remaining references can be any year. Popular articles, text books, and in most instance internet sources are not acceptable. References from professional publications, journals, books, theses, Internet sources and related materials must be cited appropriately using an accept format style (either MLA, APA or the University of Chicago style).
SECTION V ? GROUND RULES FOR ASSESSMENT OF RESEARCH PAPER: The following ground rules apply in determining that mastery of the subject matter has been demonstrated:
1. The demonstration of mastery of content material that has been presented in Part A of this Addendum B;
2. The avoidance of unsupported opinions, broad sweeping statements, generalities, etc.;
3. The precision in the paper without becoming verbose;
4. The avoidance of responses that reflect a simple restatement of the issue;
5. The avoidance in the construction of a response that depends on the assumption, on the student?s part, that the position, and the logic of the argument for that position is self evident, inescapable, and/or inevitable; and,
6. The application of the appropriate terms, theories, concepts, principles, and proper grammar.
Thus, the student?s response must reflect the logic of the student?s position; the assignment of the number of points awarded out the maximum available shall be based upon the presentation of the position and/or argument of the response rather than on the tasks of ?seeking out? some hidden, assumed logic.
SECTION VI ? THE ASSESSMENT VALUE FOR RESEARCH PAPER: The research paper shall have a maximum assessment value of one hundred and fifty [150] points within the determination of the student?s course grade.
The student?s research paper shall be analyzed within this assessment guide scheme:
- CREDIT RANGE BETWEEN 100% TO 90% OF MAXIMUM POINTS ALLOWED, when the research paper demonstrates a through understanding of the most significant aspects of the inquiry?s subject matter in that the student:
Responds appropriately to all parts of the paper outline set forth in Section IV, Part B, set forth above;
Uses accurate terminology throughout;
Provides a strong explanation that is well supported by relevant evidence;
Any diagrams, tables, statistical analysis, and graphs are complete, accurate, and well organized; and,
Demonstrates a strong knowledge of the subject matter, concepts, theories, facts, procedures or methodologies relevant to the inquiry.
-CREDIT RANGE BETWEEN 89% TO 80% OF MAXIMUM POINTS ALLOWED, when the research paper demonstrates a strong understanding of the most significant aspects of the inquiry?s subject matter in that the student:
Responds appropriately to most aspects of the paper outline set forth in Section IV, Part B, set forth above;
Uses accurate terminology throughout;
Provides a strong explanation that is well supported by relevant evidence;
Any diagrams, tables, statistical analysis, and graphs are complete, accurate, and well organized; and,
Demonstrates a strong knowledge of the subject matter, concepts, theories, facts, procedures or methodologies relevant to the inquiry.
-CREDIT RANGE BETWEEN 79% TO 70% OF MAXIMUM POINTS ALLOWED, when the research paper demonstrates a basic understanding of the most significant aspects of the inquiry?s subject matter in that the student:
Responds appropriately to most aspects of the paper outline set forth in Section IV, Part B, set forth above;
Uses accurate terminology throughout;
Provides a basic explanation that is supported by relevant evidence;
Any diagrams, tables, statistical analysis, and graphs are complete, accurate, and well organized; and,
Demonstrates a basic knowledge of the subject matter, concepts, theories, facts, procedures or methodologies relevant to the inquiry.
-CREDIT RANGE BETWEEN 69% TO 60% OF MAXIMUM POINTS ALLOWED, when the research paper demonstrates a minimal understanding of the most significant aspects of the inquiry?s subject matter in that the student:
Fails to respond appropriately to most aspects of the paper outline set forth in Section IV, Part B, set forth above;
Uses accurate terminology throughout;
Any diagrams, tables, statistical analysis, and graphs are complete, accurate, and well organized;
Provides a weak explanation that is not well supported by relevant evidence; and,
Demonstrates a weak knowledge of the subject matter, concepts, theories, facts, procedures or methodologies relevant to the inquiry.
-NO CREDIT, when the research paper demonstrates a misunderstanding of the significant aspects of the inquiry?s subject matter in that the student:
Response is off-the topic of the inquiry;
Fail to use accurate terminology throughout;
Provides weak explanations;
Lacks supporting evidence; and/or,
Demonstrates an absence of the basic knowledge of the subject matter, concepts, theories, facts, procedures or methodologies relevant to the inquiry.