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Infidelity Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Infidelity College Essay Examples

Title: Infidelity Amongst the Military and why it occurs

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1659 References: 3 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: This is a Cause and Effect Research paper specifically geared towards infidelity in the military and the reasons these extramarital affairs are happening. I need a minimum of 2 sources but no more than 3. I will also be sending a resource paper that will assist in the paper.
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Title: Response to Literature

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1163 Works Cited: 1 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Response to Literature

Length: 3-4 pages (don’t go over five pages)
Filename: First initial last name response; for example, SJonesresponse

Basic content:
In a response to literature essay, you will discuss how the literary work reflects a truth about life that you have seen to be true or that can be proven through research on the issue or that can be disproved in the same fashion. Your evidence that the theme exists or does not exist in real life would come from experience or research. If you write about your personal experience, you can write in first person, but don’t use “I think” and “I feel.”

For instance, “The Gilded Six-Bits” deals with the issue of infidelity. By the end of the story, the husband has forgiven his wife, and their life seems to have returned to what they have at the beginning of the story. Some say the theme of this story is that unconditional love can overcome all problems because Joe’s love for Missie May allows him to forgive her. So an essay comparing or contrasting with this theme would show whether this theme is true based on your experience or on research.

Your essay should have a works cited that lists any sources that you use, including the work to which you are responding.

For this essay type, you can choose any work that we have read.

Use present tense to discuss the action of the literary work you are discussing.

Format: Either point-by-point or subject-by-subject organization

Point-by-point would use the following pattern:
Introduction: Provide a context for the topic, give a brief summary of the story, and conclude with a thesis statement that compares or contrasts your life with the story.
Point by point:
o Body paragraph 1: Explain how your first point is apparent in the story and in your life.
o Body paragraph 2: Explain how your second point is apparent in the story and in your life.
o Body paragraph 3: Explain how your third point is apparent in the story and in your life.
Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with concluding statements about the similarities or differences between the story and your life.

Subject-by-subject would use the following pattern:
Introduction: Provide a context for the topic, give a brief summary of the story, and conclude with a thesis statement that compares or contrasts your life with the story.
Subject by subject:
o Body paragraph 1: Explain how one aspect of the theme is apparent in the story.
o Body paragraph 2: Explain how one aspect of the theme is apparent or refuted in your life.
o Body paragraph 3: Explain how another aspect of the theme is apparent in the story.
o Body paragraph 4: Explain how another aspect of the theme is apparent or refuted in your life.
Conclusion: Wrap up your paper with concluding statements about the similarities or differences between the story and your life.

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Title: Sex differences in jealousy

Total Pages: 9 Words: 3063 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: This paper is designed to give you experience examining data from writing up a correlational study. We are required to use our data that we obtained in our surveys on jealousy. Paper must include introduction, methods, results, discussion and reference sections. The paper is supposed be on jealousy. We have to make our own hypothesis whether females are more jealous than males and/or why. I'm providing you with 2 articles you can use as your source:???Buss, D. M., Larsen, R. J., Westen, D., & Semmelroth, J. (1992). Sex differences in?jealousy: ???Rydell, R. J., McConnell, A. R., & Bringle, R. G. ; Jealousy and commitment: Perceived threat?and the effect of relationship alternatives. Personal Relationships, 11, 451-468.??I will provide you with the results of the survey we did on jealousy.

The paper must consist of two main hypothesis:

Females are more jealous than males.

Jealousy scores are positively correlated with attachment anxiety; more so than with attachment avoidance.

Hypothesis 1: Anxious (but not avoidant) relationship attachment and indices of jealousy will be positively related.

a. Anxious attachment and jealousy scores on the Bringle scale will be positively related

b. Anxious attachment and strength of emotional reactions to a jealousy experience will be positively related. That is, people

who are higher in anxious attachment will report stronger emotional reactions (e.g., more upset, dejected, mad) than will

people who are lower in anxious attachment.

Hypothesis 2: Females will score higher on the jealousy scale and and have stronger emotional reactions to a jealousy experience than will males. (Probably not a really strong prediction unless the jealousy experiences were mostly about "emotional cheating" and not sexual infidelity, but we cannot determine this from our data, unfortunately.)

I will also send you all the comments I got on my outline written by your writer. Plus a paper that was also written by one of your writers however it consists of only one hypothesis. Feel free to use its ideas and its references.

Please make sure the paper is done by 10/24/13 6am.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Infidelity

Total Pages: 7 Words: 2283 Sources: 6 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Write a 7page research paper on infidelity pertaining to the novel The Great Gatsby
Correctly use the MLA format for noting reference materials.
Use direct quotes, paraphrase, and summarize from sources for notes.
Develop a research paper with a well-formulated thesis and proper documentation
you must have the required number of academic sources used, and cited, both in the body of the paper, and on the works cited page
The paper must also have title page, outline, and Works Cited pages. (These pages are NOT considered as part of the essay page count.) The order of pages in the paper is title page, outline, body of paper, works cited
The final Works Cited page will contain six to eight (6-8) sources. The sources will be derived from appropriate books, periodicals, etc., to denote variety of sources used. Cliffs Notes, Masterplots, Monarch, Wikipedia are NOT appropriate sources. Each of the sources used in the Works Cited must be used at least once in the research paper.
The paper should be well written and scholarly.
All borrowed information must be noted whether quoted or not.
use direct quotations sparingly (no more than 25% of the paper).

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