Sex Differences in Jealousy

Jealousy is a reaction experienced in all relationships, whether between family members, mutual friends or couples.

Jealousy varies in intensity between relationships, depending on the strength of the bond between the people in the relationship, and their emotional attachment (Mayeux, 2011).

Over 80% of relationships with jealousy, both parties exhibit signs of jealousy.

Physiological differences between males and females determine their reaction when jealous.

The jealousy levels vary depending on psychological orientation of males and females, with more women exhibiting jealousy reactions than males (Richo, 2010).

The males exhibit sexual attachment while the females exhibit emotional attachment in the relationship (Buss, Larsen, Westen&Semmelroth, 1992).

All relationships with close emotional and intimacy attachment suffer a good degree of jealousy.

Jealousy can have negative effects, as well as, a positive result on the relationship.

3. Discussion of the research results

i. 53.5207% of the men in relationships experience...
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