Essay Instructions: Imagine that you own a culinary school in Kuwait City, Kuwait. This culinary school is called Kuwait COULINARY SHCOOL and it is is affiliated with the La Courdoun Culinary school in France. Answer the following questions based on your imaginations with the help of the attached PowerPoint presentations.
1. Part One: Synopsis of the preliminary thoughts of the company which needs to include: 1) general description of the company, 2) vision statement, 3) mission statement, 4) visionary leadership statement, 5) potential stakeholders, 6) identification of the industry and market, and 7) future goals.
A) Deliverable Two: Analysis of the External Environment (up to 1000 words)
2. Analyze the external environment of the selected industry, and market/segment based on chapter two of your text book. The analysis will use scanning, monitoring, forecasting, and assessing. This to include the following:
2.1 Description and analysis of the opportunities and threats in the industry in general and to your company in particular.
2.2 Description and analysis of the general environment with its seven components.
2.3 Description and analysis of the industry environment using the five forces model of competition. Here you need to address all the components of the five forces. (you need to address complementors, if applicable)
2.4 Description and analysis of the competitor environment. Here you need to compare your company with one other company in the same industry/market (in Kuwait or globally). This analysis should help you with assessing or formulating your goals and assumptions.
B) Deliverable Three: Analysis of the Internal Environment (up to 700 words)
3. Analyze the internal environment of the selected industry, and market/segment based on chapter three of your text book.
3.1 Description and analysis of the resources of your company.
3.2 Description and analysis of the capabilities of your company.
3.3 Use the ?four criteria of sustainable competitive advantage? to identify, define, and analyze the core competencies of your company.
3.4 Use the ?value chain analysis? to identify, define, and analyze the core competencies of your company.
3.5 Based on your analysis of items 4.1 ? 4.4: 1) list the core competencies of your company, 2) what value(s) your company will create for customers?
3.6 Based on your analysis of items 4.1 ? 4.5: 1) list the strengths of your company, 2) the weaknesses of your company, 3) identify whether your company lack any resources, capabilities, or competencies required for the company competitive advantage; and 4) what are the actions to be done in order to address the deficiencies of item 4.6.3, if any?
3.7 Preliminary identification and definition of competitive advantage of the company. (Note that this question will be revised after identifying the business strategy)
C) Deliverable Four: Business-Level Strategy (up to 700 words)
4. Here, your team needs to show the analysis leading to the formulation of a business strategy for your company, and defining such business strategy as based on mainly chapter four and also chapter five (to a lesser extent) of your textbook.
4.1 Discuss the relationship between customers and business level strategies in terms of who, what, and how?
4.2 Extend the competitor analysis done in deliverable two (item 3.4) to include a competitor analysis based on the Model of Competitive Rivalry (figure 5.2). Here, you need to consider the same competing company picked in deliverable two, and compare market commonalty, and resource similarity. Give examples of likely attacks/responses of the competing company by the entry of your company.
4.3 Select and identify a business-level strategy(s) for your company (refer to figure 4.2 of your textbook). You need to justify your choice based on the five forces model and explain how and when implementing the selected business strategy above average return will be achieved.
4.4 What are the competitive risks associated with your selected business strategy.
C) Deliverable Five: Corporate-Level Strategy (up to 700 words)
5. Here, your team needs to show the analysis leading to the formulation of a corporate strategy in terms of product/service diversification in your company, and defining such a corporate strategy as based on chapters six, seven, and eight of your textbook. (mainly chapter 6)
5.1 Analyze and identify the level of diversification of your company (refer to figure 6.1). You need to elaborate on the description of your diversification strategy.
5.2 Discuss and identify the reasons for diversification by your company (refer to table 6.1).
5.3 Would you recommend any merger or acquisition activity for your company, whether in Kuwait or globally. You may also use the companies created by other teams in your class. Justify your company?s decision?
5.4 Analyze your company?s international strategy for the future based on figure 8.1.
D) Deliverable Seven: The strategic direction of the company (up to 700 words)
6. Revisit question A.2 of deliverable one, and formulate the Company? strategy. You need to develop:
a. Mission statement
b. Vision statement
c. Values and ethical statement
d. Visionary leadership statement (check chapter 12)
e. Essential stakeholders
f. Strategy statement with its components of business and corporate strategies.
g. Name and the brand of the company
h. Logo of the company
E) Deliverable Nine: The final report (up to 700 words)
1) Introduction
2) Company synopsis
3) Summary and conclusion for each of the deliverables (deliverable 2 ? deliverable 8) . Here, it is your chance to fix any mistakes and address any comments you made on your previous deliverables.
4) Your company?s entrepreneurial and innovation strategy and mind-set. Mainly you need to address figure 13.1 of your textbook. (see chapter thirteen!)
5) Recommendations.
6) Executive summary statement of your project. This executive summary needs to be suitable for the Board members of your organization to read and understand. Assume non-technical individuals in the Board or have no background about your industry. This should not exceed one page.
7) Your conclusion: the conclusion section for your report should outline the following:
a. The prospects of success of your company.
b. Future plans of your company
c. How did this project help you as a capstone for the issues discussed and learned in the strategic management course?
8) Deliverable 9 needs to have as an appendix all the marked hardcopy deliverables of your project.
** Please refer to the powerpoint presentatons
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