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Wound Care Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Wound Care College Essay Examples

Title: wound care

Total Pages: 4 Words: 1640 References: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Requested Writer’s Username: Heideger

Response to the following task:
Describe the anatomy and physiology of wound healing.
Identify barriers to normal wound healing.
Explain how to perform a basic wound assessment.
Identify different wound treatment.
Identify indications for treatment selection.
Identify different dressing.
Identify indications for dressing selection.
List advantages and disadvantages for dressing categories.
Explain how to document a basic wound assessment and basic wound care.

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Title: nurse-manager for a hospital floor and focuses

Total Pages: 7 Words: 2455 Works Cited: 4 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: I am enrolled in a leadership class. Bachelor in Nursing. I have to write a change proposal paper about some change; for instance as, a manager at the hospital I decided to make a change using one of the theorists (Lewin, Lippitt, see below).At the hospital where I am working we do not have a wound care nurse. I am working on the orthopedic and post trauma floor as a staff nurse. We nurses do all wound care. Some of the wounds are very serious and they require special knowledge to treat them. Therefore, I decided to write my assignment on this matter. I am a manager in the hospital, on the ortho, post trauma floor. I as a manager I decided to change this matter.(using one of the change theory). I want to have a certified wound care nurse so that she/he will take care only about wounds. The floor nurse will do their routine assignments.
Requirements that professor look for:
abstract, introductory page including thesis statement( professor stressed a lot on thesis statement, gave to us some handouts), 5 pages of body and reference page.
Identify and clearly define the Issue you wish to change.
Identify clearly the Stakeholders of this change.
Identify which Change Theory used (step by step in paper). Evidence of each step to produce the change described as the Issue.
cite research articles that describe how The Change is supported by evidence based practice.( 3 articles minimum).
Clearly explained how the Change will be supported with the organization and who is directing the change support.
APA 6th edition formatting required. 2 points per error.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Nursing and Health Breakdown

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1497 Bibliography: 8 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Case Study
Part A: Pre-operative nursing care
Joe Taylor is a 76 year old male, weighs 99kgs, is 153cm tall and smokes 25 cigarettes a day. Joe is admitted to the ward and is scheduled for the repair of a right inguinal hernia.
Within the context of the case study:

Identify information obtained from a nursing admission and the importance of obtaining this information
Discuss the purpose and necessity of obtaining baseline data from the patient
Discuss the ethico-legal requirements of the nurse within the preoperative period

Part B: Post-operative wound management
You are the nurse caring for Joe Taylor who is three days post operative. While changing his dressing you notice a thick yellow discharge oozing from his wound.
Within the context of the case study:

Define and explain the purpose of assessment in relation to wound care
Identify and discuss the nursing interventions undertaken when assessing the wound and support your discussion with evidenced based rationales
Define the principle of aseptic technique in wound management
Identify and discuss the nursing interventions undertaken in relation to aseptic technique and support your discussion with evidenced based rationales.
Describe two causative factors of wound breakdown in relation to the case study.

For this assessment you need to demonstrate an understanding of wound assessment, aseptic technique in wound management and the causative factors in wound breakdown. The evidence for the discussion needs to demonstrate an understanding of safe and competent practice.

Part A.
Identify information obtained from a nursing admission and the importance of obtaining this information (5 marks)
Outstanding, clear, concise identification of the importance of and the information obtained from a nursing admission related to the case study, supported with coherent rationales
Discuss the purpose and necessity of obtaining baseline data from the patient (5 marks)
Outstanding, clear, concise discussion focused on baseline data inclusive of vital signs and the necessity of this data in relation to the case study and incorporates the pre-operative and post-operative periods, supported with coherent rationales
Discuss the ethico-legal requirements of the nurse within the preoperative period (5 marks)
Outstanding, clear, concise discussion of the ethico-legal requirements of the nurse; inclusive of consent procedures within the preoperative period and in relation to the case study and supported with coherent rationales
Part B.
Within the context of the case study:
Define and explain the purpose of assessment in relation to wound care (3 marks)
Outstanding, clear, concise and accurate definition of assessment and explanation of the purpose of assessment within the context of the case study

Identify and discuss interventions undertaken when assessing the wound, and support your discussion with evidenced based rationales (10 marks)
Outstanding clear, concise and accurate identification and discussion of the nursing interventions associated with assessing a wound and evidenced based rationales provided, within the context of the case study

Define the principle of aseptic technique in wound management (2 marks)
Outstanding clear, concise and accurate definition of the principle of aseptic technique in relation to wound management and the case study

Identify and discuss the nursing interventions undertaken in relation to aseptic technique and support your discussion with evidenced based rationales (10 marks)
Outstanding clear, concise and accurate identification and discussion of the nursing interventions associated with aseptic technique and evidenced based rationales provided, within the context of the case study

Describe two causative factors of wound breakdown (5 marks)
Outstanding clear, concise and accurate description of two causative factors of wound breakdown within the context of the case study

Organisation, development, grammar, use of literature and APA referencing (5 marks) i will send you the referecing manual. all references need to be after 2005.
Outstanding, clear and coherent written assignment, Accurate spelling, Sentence, paragraph and grammatical construction are correct. Headings provided. Nil point forms used In-text referencing and reference list are free from errors and at least one Department of Health Policy and three peer reviewed journal articles used.

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Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Healthcare on budget

Total Pages: 10 Words: 3442 Sources: 16 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Marking criteria:

1. Introduction (10/60)
? Budget presentation on appropriate template (3)
? Budget period clearly stated(2)
? Describes setting in which budget is to be applied (5)
2 Budget (45/60)
? Budget is detailed and correct (30)
? Alternative options using opportunity cost analysis are discussed (10)
? Document shows sources of data used for forecasting expenditure (5)
3 Presentation (5/60)
? Uses correct grammer, spelling & punctuation
? Correct application of APA used for in-text citation and for the reference list

Develop a budget for a project, ward, unit or service using a budget template (you may use one from your own organization), in an environment of scarce resources. Consider alternative options using opportunity cost analysis. Annotate the document to show the sources of data used for forecasting the expenditure for the budget period.

I am working in a rehabilitation hospital (Shatin Hospital), which is run by the Hospital Authority, the main provider of public health care in Hong Kong. There is increasing of hospital service demand in HK, due to aging population, lack of hospital bed, shortage of manpower etc. Moreover, the rehabilitation hospital works with a regional acute hospital as a partner in the same territory. The patients will be transferred from the acute hospital and the acute hospital always asks for more bed from my hospital due to their bed crisis. However, Shatin hospital also faces the insufficient manpower and one doctor resigned recently. The opportunity cost for add two extra beds to each wards may not be succed. Therefore, I would like to propose the project to reform one pair of medical and geriatric wards to nurse-led wards.

Each ward: 25 beds. There are 5 female wards and 5 male wards in M&G department. Each pair of wards has one ward manager, each wards has one doctor, one advance practice nurse and 9 nurses (RN & EN). The aim of the nurse-led ward to manage chronic health problem, chronic wound care, feeding management and end-of-life care.
Financial implications?
Salary of doctor: $56,440/month, registered nurse: $26,960 and 43,383,
The expenditure of one acute bed: $4,680 per day, the fee of A&E is $990
Due to front line nurses are not confident on nurse round and service change, the training sessions need to provide for nurses.
The cost for manpower is same, and it is needed to buy more heel protectors and dressing materials, because there are more patients are bedbound, and the patients who need more wound care.
Different headings For the assignment( suggested by lecturer)
1) Proposal title
? Hospital/department/ward/clinic
? Project description
? Location(s) of works, if applicable
2) Justifications for change
a)Justification such as(the following list is not exhaustive)
? What is the service need- and why?
? What are the issues that impact on this need: issues like population growth, change in demographics, in social characteristics, in technology, in public expectation and others may be explored
? What is wrong in the existing practice that needs intervention?
? What changes need to be managed to make the service function well?
? What may happen if the proposal is not implemented?
? How will the proposal change the situation?
? What government policy issues does the proposal address?
? What are the dey anticipated benefits?
? Who benefits? How? When?
? How will the service be managed?
? How are the stakeholders engaged with the proposal?
? Have other agencies that are involved agreed to the proposal?
? The key risks associated with the current proposal. What is the impact of these risks?
? Include statistics, if available
b) Targets and performance indicator
? Please express the above in a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely manner, e.g. KPI
c) Implications if the initiative is not implemented in the coming year and the
years following
d) what are the alternatives you have considered?
e) alternatives explored to re-deploy existing resources
3) Financial implications
A. Capital costs, e.g.
? construction, refurbishment, alteration, e.g. scope of works, work programme, cash flow,
? engineering equipment/medical equipment/furniture (F&E)
- F&E descriptions and quantities
- Justifications, eg consequences of the non-availability of the proposed equipment, mission critical to clinical service
- Medical equipment/Furniture
If new, please provide evidence-based supporting information e.g. an extract of a professional journal.
If additional, please specify the existing equipment quantities, their annual utilization rates, patient caseload per year, any backup arrangements, etc.
Cash flow.
B. Recurrent costs
- Staff training costs, if any
- Cash flow
- Other consumable costs,
C. Fees and income, e.g. suggest fees to the management
D. Appendices
Please include as appendices all calculations, tables and other evidence needed to support your proposal

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