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Warehouse Management Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Warehouse Management College Essay Examples

Title: Warehousing

Total Pages: 2 Words: 561 References: 2 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Warehouse management systems (WMS) are coming into common practice to be critical to the successful operation of today's warehouse.

Why is a state-of-the-art WMS critical to the operation of a modern warehouse?

Anonymous, (2002). WMS drives efficient parts distribution. Modern Materials Handling, Boston, 57(12).

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Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Warehouse Management Systems WMS

Total Pages: 10 Words: 3044 Works Cited: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Discuss and critically evaluate various articles on Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) , its functionality and evolution to an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

Below are the topics which should cover the thesis report

- Necessity of a WMS (Do we need one)
- Functionality of WMS
- Choosing a WMS
- Future trends on WMS

Recomended data available via Emerald & Business source premier database

Referencing system , author-date system such as Harvard or APA system.

Note : I have downloaded few articles from above databases ,appreciate if you could let me know the max file size for uploading this via email.


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Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Facility Layout in Warehouse

Total Pages: 3 Words: 925 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: Read the following article and review the background readings,

Graham, D.D., (2003), Warehouse of the Future, Frontline Solutions; Duluth; Apr 2003.


Software will choreograph tomorrow's warehouse work The warehouse of the future will not be technology-dependent but technology enhanced-a blend of technology, machine, and manpower. Supply chain software, already a critical element today, will actually the work of this new highly automated warehouse, trimming fat, dumping waste, and eliminating redundancy wherever it is found. Workers will be fewer, but more qualified, better trained, and more motivated. What has everyone involved in material handling and warehouse management salivating are radio frequency identification technology systems that are made up of three components - an antenna or coil, a transceiver and a transponder, usually in the form of a tag. Future warehouse management technologies will perform functions impossible today, including finite scheduling and the process sequencing of orders, allowing the operation to take advantage of its capacities while managing its constraints. Those constraints will include labor, physical space, yard capacity, order mix and value added processing, a factor that will loom large in warehouses to come.

Case Assignment

Then in a 3-4 page paper discuss the following questions:

How can flexibility be built into warehouse planning and design to accommodate change for the future? What would it require? What are the trade-offs with respect to allocating resources up front or into the future?

Assignment Expectations

Research the topic with information from the background readings as well as any other resources you find on your own. The paper should be 3-4 pages in length and have a cover sheet and a reference page. Clarity of presentation is important, as well as your ability to cover the topic in a succinct, organized manner with research to back up your points. Use at least 3 different sources of information and annotate your sources of information appropriately on your references page and within the text as necessary. You will be assessed on your ability to demonstrate your knowledge of facility layout with respect to logistics management

Background information below:

Start by reading the article below on Continental Airlines automated storage units.

Anonymous (2002). Continental flying high with automated storage units. Modern Materials Handling. Boston, 57(12), 45.


Continental Airlines recently built a new maintenance building at its Newark hub to better serve the airline's growth. To save space, the airline installed 6 vertical lift modules that hold important parts and tools in a manner that makes them readily available and in proper condition as defined by Federal Aviation Administration requirements.

Here is an excellent article that discusses how to design an efficient warehouse and distribution center for the beverage industry.

Larose, N. (2001, Apr). Efficiencies within four walls. Beverage Industry; New York, 92(4), 64.


Site layout, building dimensions, column bay dimensions, lighting, dock locations and ceiling heights are all essential design elements for efficient warehousing and distribution. The greatest opportunities to reduce costs in the beverage industry are available in the distribution warehouses. To maximize these opportunities, a distributor must determine the operational plan that best fits its business and the facility in which it operates. The most common mistake made by distributor is a lack of planning, which can result in costly errors. Every facility should have a master plan.

This article discusses how important the dock is to a warehouse.

Freese, T. L., (2000, Jun). The dock: Your warehouse's most valuable real estate. Material Handling Management. Cleveland, 55(6), 97-101.


Docks today must be much more flexible, as well as more efficient, to accommodate the increased number and types of receipts and shipments. The number of docks required is determined by a combination of factors: number of receipts and shipments, type of loading and unloading, types and sizes of vehicles, number and timing of carriers, and different areas in which materials will be utilized, stored or prepared for shipment. Today, given the move to JIT inventories and the tendency for shipments to be in close proximity to the manufacturing location, more and more facilities are being constructed with multiple shipping and receiving docks. If your operations require reverse logistics functions, these, too, must be evaluated for environmental considerations. According to OSHA, more than 10 percent of all lift truck accidents result from poor dock layout and overcrowded conditions. Without well-thought-out layouts, good safety practices and staff training, you put some of your most valuable resources at risk - your people.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Systems to Manage Warehouses

Total Pages: 3 Words: 995 Sources: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: From the background material you notice that warehousing technology and warehousing management styles are changing. Warehouse management systems (WMS) are also coming into common practice to be critical to the successful operation of today's warehouse.

After reading the articles on the Module Background page and doing some of your own research, write a 3-4 page paper discussing the following question:

Why is a state-of-the-art WMS critical to the operation of a modern warehouse?

Assignment Expectations

Research the topic with information from the background readings as well as any other resources you find on your own. The paper should be 3-4 pages in length and have a cover sheet and a reference page. Clarity of presentation is important, as well as your ability to cover the topic in a succinct, organized manner with research to back up your points. Use at least 3 different sources of information and annotate your sources of information appropriately on your references page and within the text as necessary. You will be assessed on how well you demonstrate your understanding of state-of-the-art warehouse management tools and the benefits and challenges of implementation.

Background information below:

Here is a good article that discusses value-added services that 3PLs and warehousing organizations are starting to offer:

Atkinson, William, 2002, Value-added services from 3PLs and public warehouses: What to look for. Logistics Management, Vol. 41(10):W8-11.

Abstract: A lot of warehouses are still just offering traditional services - putting away and picking, explains Evan Armstrong, vice president of Armstrong & Associates, Inc., which provides strategic consulting services to shippers, 3PLs and carriers and also publishes Who's Who in Logistics. Still, though, while many providers remain in the stone age, most are moving forward with new value-added services. With the advent of the very time-sensitive supply chain model, there is a move away from traditional warehousing with shelves and racks for storage to more of a flow-through operation, such as cross-docking, plus some light manufacturing or assembly and kitting, notes Adrian Gonzalez, senior analyst with ARC Advisory Group.

This article takes an in depth look at the functional utility of warehouses.

McKnight, Douglas, 1999, A practical guide to evaluating the functional utility of warehouses. The Appraisal Journal, 67(1):29-37.

Abstract: Many appraisers fail to address some forms of functional obsolescence in warehouse space. Details on interior and exterior layout, dock design, and safety and security issues play an important role in the highest and best use and functional utility of a warehouse. The practical considerations of good warehouse are described in clear and helpful detail, including modes of delivery and scheduling. The oversimplified process of considering only clear heights in the appraisal of such properties is cautioned against.

This article will be used for the case study assignment:

Anonymous, (2002). WMS drives efficient parts distribution. Modern Materials Handling, Boston, 57(12).

Abstract: When Toyota set up a spare parts distribution facility to support its operations in the UK, the automobile maker realized that a state-of-the-art warehouse management system (WMS) was critical. The WMS that Toyota chose not only tracks parts location, but produces a tag label, which gives part details and subsequent locations.

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