Essay Instructions: Direct quotes should be avoided. References must be academic. Here is a list of prefered references:
Ang, I. (2001). On Not Speaking Chinese. London, Routledge.
Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW (ADB). (2003). Race for the Headlines: racism and media discourse. Sydney, ADB.
Augoustinos, M.and Reynolds, K. (eds). (2001). Understanding Prejudice, Racism and Social Conflict. London, Sage.
Betts, K. (1999). The Great Divide: Immigration politics in Australia. Sydney, Duffy and Snellgrove.
Brennan, F. (2007). Tampering with Asylum: A Universal Humanitarian Problem. University of Queensland Press: St., Lucia. Rev. Edn.
Briskman, L.; Goddard, C. and S. Latham. (2008) Human rights overboard: seeking asylum in Australia. Scribe Publishing, Carlton North.
Burke, A. (2001). In fear of security: Australia’s invasion anxiety. Pluto Press, Annandale.
Chambers B. & Pettman, J. (1986) Anti-Racism: A Handbook for Adult Educators. AGPS: Canberra.
Collins, J. Noble, G. Poynting, S. and Tabar, P. (2002) Kebabs, Kids, Cops and Crime: youth, ethnicity and crime. Sydney, Pluto Press.
Crock, M.; Saul, B. and A. Dastyari. (2006). Future seekers II: refugees and irregular migration in Australia. Federation Press, Sydney.
Davies, W. and Dal Bosco, A. (2002). Tales from a Suitcase: the Afghan Experience. Lothian: South Melbourne
D’Cruz, J. V.; Neville, B.; Goonewardene, D. and P. Darby (eds). (2008) As Others See Us. Australian Scholarly Publishing: North Melbourne.
Dixson, M. (2000). The Imaginary Australian: Anglo-Celts and Identity - 1778 to the Present. UNSW Press: Sydney.
Docker, J. and Fischer, G. (eds) (2000). Race, Colour and Identity in Australia and New Zealand. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.
From Nothing to Zero: Letters from Refugees in Australia’s Detention Centres. (2003).
Gale, Peter. (2005). The Politics of Fear: Lighting the Wik. Pearson Education Australia, Sydney.
Goldsworthy, P. (ed) (2008) True Blue? on being Australian. Allen and Unwin, Crow’s Nest.
Hage, G. (ed) (2002). Arab-Australians Today: Citizenship and Belonging. Melbourne University Press: Carlton South, Victoria.
Hage, G. (1998). White Nation: Fantasies of White Supremacy in a Multicultural Society. Pluto Press: Annandale, NSW.
Hage, G. (2003). Against Paranoid Nationalism: searching for hope in a shrinking society. Sydney, Pluto Press.
Hage, G and Couch, R. (eds) (1999). The Future of Australian Multiculturalism Research Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sydney, Glebe.
Hannifa, D. (1995). Caravanserai: journey among Australian Muslims. Allen and Unwin, Sydney.
Hemmerton, A. J. and A. Thomson. (2005) Ten pound Poms: Australia’s invisible migrants. Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Hodge, B. and J. Carroll. (2006). Borderwork in Multicultural Australia. Allen and Unwin, Sydney.
HREOC. (2004a). A Last Resort: The Report of the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention. Sydney, HREOC.
HREOC. (2004b). Isma ??" Listen: national consultations on eliminating prejudice against Arab and Muslim Australians. Sydney, HREOC.
Irving, H. (ed) (2001). Unity and Diversity: A National Conversation. Barton Lecture. ABC Books: Sydney.
Jameson, J. (2002). The ties that bind: Six journeys of a life time. Bantam Books: Sydney
Jayasuriya, L. (2003). Australian Multiculturalism past, present, and future. Social Work and Social Policy, University of WA.
Jayasuriya, L. (1997). Immigration and Multiculturalism in Australia, Occasional Paper Series, University of Western Australia: Crawley, WA.
Jayasuriya, L Walker, D and Gothard, J. (eds) (2003). Legacies of a White Australia: Race, Culture and Nation. University of Western Australia Press: Crawley, WA.
Jupp, J. (2007). From White Australia to Woomera: The story of Australian Immigration. 2nd Edn. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
Jupp, J. (ed) (2001). The Australian People: an Encyclopedia of the Nation, Its People and Their Origins. Cambridge University Press: Oakleigh, Victoria.
Jupp, J., Nieuwenhuysen, J. and E. Dawson (eds). 2007. Social Cohesion in Australia. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne.
Kabir, N. (2005). Muslims in Australia: immigration, race relations and cultural history. London, Kegan Paul.
Kamand, S. (2008) The immigration kit: a practical guide to Australia’s immigration laws. 8th edn. Federation Press, Sydney,
Khoo, S-E. and McDonald, P. (eds). (2003). The Transformations of Australia’s Population 1970-2030. UNSWPress, Sydney.
Leach, M. and F. Mansouri. (2004). Lives in Limbo: voices of refugees under temporary protection. UNSWP.
Leach, M.; G. Stokes and I. Ward (eds). (2000). The Rise and Fall of One Nation. UQP.
Lopez, M. (2000). The Origins of Multiculturalism in Australian Politics. Melbourne University Press: Carlton.
MacCallum, M. 2002. Girt by sea: Australia, refugees and the politics of fear. Quarterly Essay. No. 5. Melbourne, Black Inc.
Maley, W. et al. (2002). Refugees and the Myth of the Borderless World. Canberra, ANU.
Mares, P. (2003). Borderline: Australia’s Response to Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Wake of the Tampa. UNSW Press: Sydney.
Mares, S. and l. Newman (eds) (2007) Acting from the Heart: Australian advocates for asylum seekers tell their stories. Finch Publishing, Sydney.
Markus, A. (2001). Race: John Howard and the Remaking of Australia. Allen & Unwin: Crows Nest, NSW.
Markus, A. (2008) Mapping Social Cohesion: the Scanlon Foundation surveys summary report. Monash Institute for the study of Global Movements, Monash University.
Marr, D. and Wilkinson, M. (2003) Dark Victory. Allen and Unwin: Crows Nest, NSW.
Murphy, B. (1993). The Other Australia: Experiences of Migration. Cambridge University Press: Oakleigh, Victoria.
Noble, G (ed). (2009). Lines in the Sand: the Cronulla Riots and the limits of Australian multiculturalism. Institute of Criminology Press, Sydney.
Perera, S. (ed) (2007) Our Patch: Enacting Australian Sovereignty Post-2001. Network Books, Perth.
Poynting, S.; G. Noble, P. Tabar and J. Collins. (2004). Bin Laden in the Suburbs: Criminalising the Arab Other. Sydney, Sydney Institute of Criminology Series.
Ryan, J. (1995). Ancestors: Chinese in Colonial Australia. Fremantle Arts Centre Press.
Saeed, A. and Akbarzadeh, S. (eds). (2001). Muslim Communities in Australia, UNSW Press, Sydney.
Shaw, W. (2007). Cities of whiteness. Blackwell, Malden MA.
Tavan, G. (2005). The long, slow death of White Australia. Scribe, Melbourne.
Taylor, P. (2007) Why we are Australians: 125 defining men, women and moments over three centuries. The Five Mile Press, Rowville, Vic.
Thomas, M. (1999). Dreams in the Shadow: Vietnamese-Australians lives in transition. Allen and Unwin, Sydney.
Tyler, H. (2003). Asylum: Voices behind the Razor Wire. Lothian: South Melbourne
Vasta, E. and Castles S. (eds) (1996). The Teeth Are Smiling. Allen and Unwin: Sydney.
Viviani, N. (1996) The Indo-Chinese in Australia 1975-1995: from burnt boats to barbecues. Oxford University Press, Sydney.
Walker, D. (1999). Anxious Nation: Australia and the Rise of Asia 1850-1939. University of Queensland Press: St., Lucia.
Windschuttle, K. (2004) The White Australia Policy: race and shame in the Australian history wars. Macleay Press, Paddington NSW.
Wise, A. and Velayutham, S. (eds) (2009) Everyday Multiculturalism. Basingstoke, UK, Palgrave Macmillan.
Adams, G. et al. 2008. Commemorating Brown: the social psychology of racism and discrimination. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
Bauman, Z. (2004). Wasted Lives: Modernity and its Outcasts. Polity: Oxford.
Bennett, D. (ed) (1998). Multicultural States: Rethinking Difference and Diversity. Routledge: London.
Bolaffi, G. et al (eds). (2003). Dictionary of Race, Ethnicity and Culture. London, Sage.
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Castles, S. and Miller, M. (eds) (2003). The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World Third Edition. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan
Feagin, J. (2010) The white racial frame: centuries of racial framing and counter-framing. New York, Routledge.