Essay Instructions: Research Paper (Manuscript) Formatting Rules: general information that applies to all entries
References should appear in hanging indent form; first line at the left margin, each succeeding line indented.
All entries should be doubled spaced. Examples are given in single space to save space in this document.
In titles of books, articles, films, and broadcasts capitalize only the first word of the title, the first word after a colon or dash, and proper nouns.
In periodical titles capitalize all major words and all words of four letters or more.
Periodical titles should be in italic.
SAMPLE REFERENCES FOR PRINT MATERIAL, FILM, AND ORAL COMMUNICATION: Remember for all of these examples the first line is at the left margin and all succeeding lines are indented; titles that appear here in italic should be in italic; do not underline. (Examples in this section provided by Rudy Pugliese or from the APA Manual)
Magazine/Journal Article,Basic Form for articles, One Author example, Two Author examples:
Author, A.A.(Date of Publication). Title of article: Subtitle of article. Magazine/Journal Title, Volume number (issue number if each issue begins on page 1),pages.
Lacayo, R.(1991,April22).Global warming: A new warning. Time, 137(16),32.
Smith, M.L., & Finn, J. (1997, October ). The use of the World Wide Web by undergraduate social work education programs. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work, 3(1), 71-84
Stacks, D.W., & Hickson, M. (1991). The communication investigator: Teaching research methods to undergraduates. Communication Quarterly, 39, 351-357
Book/Edited Book, Basic Form for book or single entity, Book with one author, Book with two editors:
Author/Editor. (Date of Publication). Title: Subtitle. (Edition). Place of Publication: Publisher.
Buss, A.H. (1980). Self-consciousness and social anxiety. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman
Chickering, A.W., & Smith, L.E. (Eds.) (1981) The modern American college: Responding to the new realities of diverse students and a changing society. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Article with Two Authors in an Edited Book:
Good, T.L., & Brophy, J.E.(Eds.).(1986). School effects. In M.C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (3rd)ed.,pp.570-602). New York Macmillan.
Doctoral Dissertation abstracted in Dissertation Abstracts International:
Byerly, J. (1982). An investigation of factors that condition student enrollment in broadcast courses at Coastline community College ( Doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University, 1981). Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 58A
Article in Proceedings of Meetings or Symposia:
Brock, D (1981). New public broadcasting programs and services. In J.Brown (Ed.), Technology and Education, January 26-28, (pp.30-59). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
IN-TEXT CITATIONS:(Examples in this section provided by Rudy Pugliese, Linda Coppola or from the APA Manual)
If You are citing a work by a single author, use the surname (do not include suffizes such as JR.) and the year of publication separated by a comma in parentheses:
In a recent study of reaction time (Rogers, 1994)
If have just stated the author’s name in the text, put the year of publication only in parentheses:
Peplau (1985) defines loneliness as a difference between desired and achieved goal relationships.
If you ar eciting to work with two authors, always cite both names every time the reference occurs in text:
Loneliness is inversely related to communication competence (Reinking & Bell, 1991).
If there are fewer than six authors, cite all of them the first time and subsequently use the first Author’s name followed by the “et al.” and the year:
The misbehaviors of teachers have been investigated (Kearney, Plas, Hays, & Ivey, 1991).
Misbehaviors were found to reduce to three factors” incompetence, offensiveness, and indolence (Kearney et al., 1991).
If a work has six or more authors, cite only the first authors’s last name followed by “el al.” and the year:
Communication apprehension has many correlates (McCroskey et al., 1981).
If You are including a quotation or referring to a specific part of the source, list the page number(s) after the year:
“ A lack of career success may lower men’s value in the market place of relationships” (Reinking & Bell, 1991, p 368).
If the source is electronic and does not have page numbers, use paragraph , if available:
As Myers (2000, para. 5) aptly phrases it, “positive emotions are both an end – better to live fulfilled. With joy [and other positive emotions] – and a means to a more caring and healthy society.”
If you are citing an entire website and not a specific part of the site, reference the website in the text (no need to include in the bibliography):
Douglas ( is a well organized site looking for locating American speeches.
Personal Communications , Oral Interviews, Memos, Letters, coversations, e-mail communication. etc.
Unpublished communications should not be listed with references . because the text is not available for others to examine. They are referenced in the paper only. Include the name, type of communication, and date. Example of parenththical citation in text:
R. Rugliese ( personal communication, March 23, 1990) also verified this .