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Social Media Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Social Media College Essay Examples

Essay Instructions: Social Media and Emergency Communications

Social media has become both popular and crucial in crisis and emergency communications. Responders are not only communicating to their public through social media outlets, the public is communicating with each other, and with responders. Individuals are able to provide important information on disaster impacts, including location and imagery, using nothing more than a smart phone equipped with a camera and GPS locator.

The disaster management website has formalized on a global scale the way that individuals may contribute to building emergency response and recovery information. Visit this website and read about one or more uses of the technology in practice.

Describe the pros and cons of this new phenomenon and explain where the greatest shifts can occur.

Identify and describe some of the ways technology is changing the emergency management field.

How can emergency managers balance the influence of social media inputs with historic standardized procedures?

Your paper should be 1000-1500 words in length, well written, and formatted per specifications for APA Style. Support your analysis by referencing and citing at least three credible sources other than the course textbook. Use the Virtual library to find credible sources.

The following is the website for the Critical Thinking assignment

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Essay Instructions: Social Media

Social media increasingly become an integral part of every healthcare organization?s website or online strategy. Write a three- to four- page (excluding title and reference pages) Social Media paper in APA format. Utilize at least two scholarly sources (in addition to the course text) that were published within the past five years and that are cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Include the following content elements in your paper:

Describe your understanding of social media and the technology tools it involves.
Debate the pros and cons of using social media in healthcare marketing, including any ethical, legal, and security issues that should be considered.
Explain the reasons why you would or would not utilize social media in addition to traditional marketing tactics.

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Like so many businesses today, some airports are beginning to explore the powers of social media while others have already embraced it and are well on their way to using its many valuable tools in their marketing, communications, and customer service plans. However, if you are a small airport, just the thought of embarking down this path can be somewhat overwhelming. Many smaller airports are already multi-tasking as they try to balance the many demands of operating and maintaining their respective airport. The one thing that is consistent however whether you are a small or large airport is the goal to provide good customer service and facilities for your airport users.

Customer service is a vital component and a core value of airport management. As the aviation industry continues to change and air carriers continue to reduce their levels of customer service and security regulations become more complicated by the day, it is more important than ever for an airport operator to continually improve theirs. The airport operator is really becoming the consistent and trusted factor for many traveler as airlines merge, discontinue service, or change their schedules and mandatory security regulations become more complex and cumbersome.

At one time, outstanding customer service was synonymous with air travel and there was a sense of romance and glamour associated with it. Jump ahead many years and while the airlines may not provide the levels of service that they did at one time, people are still traveling because it is affordable and accessible and those travelers expectations for service continue to rise.

This paper should explore the topic of social media and how communicating with your customers ie. your passengers, tenants, and community is a customer service. The goal is to alleviate a bit of the apprehension that a small airport that is interested in engaging but feels a little intimidated and overwhelmed and may be limited by human and financial resources. It will present some staggering statistics about social media, reasons you should consider social networking, describe some of the social tools and how they can be used to enrich your web-based content, listen and connect with your customers, and present a place to start for a small airport.

Social media has forever changed things over the past five years. What may have started as something only the kids were doing is certainly today a medium that requires thoughtful consideration, understanding, and a confidence to engage in. Even a small airport must explore how they can participate. The practices of communication are changing and changing quickly. So what is social media and why does it matter? The heart of an airport is operations, safety of its airfield and related facilities for our customers are paramount and rules are not broken. Rules around social media are continually evolving and bending, however that is not such a bad thing.

Before you can engage you need to know a bit about what social media is, spend some listening and following others, evaluating some of the many tools and determining which could work for you. Whether you determine that you?re ready to start or not, you need to understand the significance of the social media. It is not a fad, it is a fundamental change in the way we communicate.


What is social media? Social media is media for social interaction using highly accessible technologies as defined by Wikipedia. So for a small airport what could it mean? It could be utilizing a blend of different technologies to socially interact with customers. There are many social media platforms and many are forming parts of an airports communications plan.

Some Social Media facts:
Facts about Facebook, Twitter, and the growth in the number of users.

The most important thing to consider is that you are using these social strategies to change the existing customer relationship. This media will be transforming. The great thing is that you have the opportunity to have a conversation with really great people who also happen to be your customers. However, it requires commitment , just like any other good relationship. You must be genuine. Tie into the statement that an airport operator can become the constant in passengers travel experience.

Why be social?
The world of social media is here to stay and will continue to evolve.

If you?re not talking about your airport, someone else is. Be knowledgeable about what is being said or what opinions people have of you.

It is an important and effective way to connect with the community and gain support for a pending project.

Generation Y is tech-savvy and a large portion of the customer base you serve. Connect with this key demographic.

Because we care about customer service.

Developing a Social Media Strategy for employees:

Social Media tools:
Tools and descriptions.


Social media is here to stay. At some point it is not going to be a matter of when you do enage but rather how. Hopefully this paper will have provided a better understanding of social media and some of the many social media tools, an understanding of how you can use some of the tools to make some immediate changes to improve your web-based content, learn what is being said about you, and develop some realistic action items for your social media efforts.

Research books:

The New Rules of Marketing & PR by David Meerman Scott
Socialnomics by Erik Qualman
Chris Brogan's Blog

Excerpt From Essay:


Assignment 6 Book Search
Library Databases - Books and Reference Materials
There are several other databases available through the Library that you should explore. These include some databases that contain the full text of books: Google Books, ebrary and Safari Tech Books Online, and an online reference library called CREDOreference. .

Google has undertaken a significant project of scanning books and making them available to the world. Search Google Books by going to Some books have limited availability of material.

Ebrary carries over 45,000 full-text, academic e-books in Business, Psychology, and Education. A tutorial is available at

Safari Tech Online is a fully-searchable e-reference library that houses a vast collection of technical books from industry-leading publishers, such as SAMS, O'Reilly, Sun, Cisco Press, and many more.

CREDOreference is an online reference library that provides access to a selection of reference books. These include encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, as well as subject-specific titles covering everything from art to accountancy and literature to law.

If you find a citation for a book that looks helpful, but is not available through the college Library, you can check on to see if the book is located in a library near you. Remember, your local public and/or academic libraries are great resources!

View the following tutorials on the Learn the Library - Quick Tutorial Videos page in the University Library:

? Safari Tech Books

? SAGE Reference Library

Try it. Search for a book on ?survey research? using WorldCat. Note the information about the book, such as author, title, publisher, and ISBN number.

Explore Other Book and Reference Materials Databases
From the Databases page, click on ebrary and conduct a search for books related to your dissertation topic. If you find relevant titles, you can put these on your personal bookshelf, which is created automatically, so that these titles can be easily referenced later.

Return to the Databases page and click on Safari Tech Books Online.

This database contains primarily technical books, but many educational topics have a technology focus, so explore this database for relevant materials. Click on Advanced Search to add search parameters. Once you have a list of results, click on a title or two to see how to view these online books. You can search the index, table of contents, and you can search the text for keywords. You have the option to Start Reading Online. The results screen often includes reviews of the books as well. You also have the option to email the title page to yourself so that you can retain the title, and when you email the information you can put notes/comments in the body of the message for your own use.

Return to the Databases page and click on CREDOreference link.

Click on Help and review the information provided. Click on Advanced Search and conduct a search of this resource for materials relevant to your research topic. This database is a collection of reference books, so many of the search results will be specific book chapters.

Submit a Report of Your Findings
Find three books on the topic you selected in Activity 1 using the available Library databases or Worldcat.

Write an essay that describes the search process including the keywords used, any limiters or alternate terms used, what database was used to find the document, and the ISBN number. If you used Worldcat, note what books are available locally. With your collected sources, write a short paragraph about the content of each source. Then make the appropriate APA format in-text citation for each.

Length: 2-3 pages (app. 350 words per page)

My topic of this search is on Social Media effects on business (good and bad)

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