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Sex Education In Schools Essays and Research Papers

Instructions for Sex Education In Schools College Essay Examples

Essay Instructions: I need a 6 page argumentative essay that an increase in sex education in schools will reduce the number of teenage pregnancies. I also need to address the opposite position in the essay, that is, that an increase in sex education in school will not reduce the number of teenage pregnancies.

I need 6 sources, 4 of which need to be scholarly/peer reviewed and the other 2 need to be respected news sources.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Critical Thinking Notions

Total Pages: 3 Words: 1351 References: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Written Assignment 6
The below examples of fallacious reasoning provided, identify the logical fallacies in each and provide a written response including the implied or stated conclusions and the nature of the fallacy. Use double-spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font. Each question answered correctly is worth 5 points.
1. We saw two houses: one in the suburbs and one in the center of town. The suburban house was less expensive than the one in town so there must be something wrong with it.
2. I?ve been putting in a lot of overtime and life has been really difficult lately. I want a promotion and I deserve it; you should give me one.
3. You are only attacking my politics because you are a racist.
4. People take more seriously what they have to pay for. Therefore, people paying their way are more serious students than those who are not.
5. Children are imaginative; they are different from adults. Therefore, they should have a good education.
6. Cogito ergo sum ? I think therefore I am. (Rene Descartes:1637)
7. If you vote for a Democrat, you vote against the war on terror.
8. Sex education in schools encourages experimentation. (Browne & Keeley 2007:100)
9. All Muslims are terrorists and should be killed.
10. It is true that certain organizations have ties to groups in areas of conflict that some may describe as terrorists, but they also have run orphanages and supported other local humanitarian efforts.
11. A Gallup poll last week found that 75 percent of highly religious people didn?t think we should go to war with countries harboring terrorism. (Browne & Keeley 2007:100)
12. A great leader is infallible and can never be wrong. Saddam Hussein was clearly a great leader because he could really inspire people to follow him. Yet anyone advocating genocide was clearly wrong, and Hussein did advocate and practice genocide. Therefore, Hussein was not infallible. (adapted from Govier, p. 159)
13. The terrorists only struck large cities like New York and Washington. Since I live in Iowa; I?ll be safe.
14. Any country that does not relinquish terrorists to the American justice system is clearly on the side of the terrorists. (Browne & Keeley 2007:100)
15. The company CEO got a confidential notice from the CIA that one of our employees attended a radical, survivalist convention.
16. America for Americans. Close the gates on immigrants.
17. A person of integrity is one who will honor his or her commitments.
18. Esse est percipi ? to be is to be perceived (George Berkeley 1710)
19. ?At a time when young Muslims are being persuaded to murder large numbers of innocent people with the promise of a reward in heaven, it seems prudent to be wary of leaders who want to drag God into the dismal consequences of human behavior. The hell that appears to be looming is man-made?? (Govier, p. 200)
20. Socrates is a man.?All men are mortal.?Therefore, all men are Socrates. (Woody Allen Love and Death 1975)

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Absitnence

Total Pages: 5 Words: 1484 Works Cited: 3 Citation Style: APA Document Type: Essay

Essay Instructions: It's a research essay arguing for the following topic:

"Abstinence should be taught rather than traditional sex education in schools."

Also the sources should be from periodicals, journals, and/or books. Thanks.

Excerpt From Essay:

Title: Social Work Literature Review

Total Pages: 5 Words: 2011 Bibliography: 0 Citation Style: MLA Document Type: Research Paper

Essay Instructions: Literature Review: Your literature review should be a project or planning method and techniques. You may include a brief paragraph about the topic your project or program is addressing. However, the focus of your paper should be a review of the literature about ?how to plan programs or projects? that are similar to what you are doing. You need to include literature that presents a model of a program/project (or public awareness campaign) that you may want to follow in the implementation of your project. Your literature review should include three to five sources d be three to five pages in length.

For my project, I am educating adolescents in the community (at community centers) about rape and providing information that will enable these individuals to form healthy relationships.

This is my statement of intent (may help with writing the lit review)
Our group has chosen option 2, which involves the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a program with a social change goal. Due to resistance from the major system we would like to engage, the public school system, our program has evolved from educating adolescents about rape to providng information that will enable these individuals to form healthy relationships. While fundraising is a vital and valuable tool in the world of social work, we choose the more difficult option two in order to make a lasting impact on the community and the target population. We chose the subject of healthy relationships because we have noticed through both our past experiences and recent observations the negative and lasting effect of an unhealthy relationship in adolescence.

Our group has a strong commitment to the NASW Code of Ethics tenet of empowering individuals through education and we feel that our program will offer people a way to improve their choices and overall life experience. Another, less altruistic reason for choosing this option is to gain practical career experience in the area of planning and implementing a program to affect the social fabric of our future communities. This reason for choosing option 2 leads directly to what we hope to learn from this project. We hope that by planning and impolmenting a program for social change teach us more effective means of organizing and affecting communities. It is our theory that by having the opportunity to put course material to work in a real life setting will allow us to better understand and utilize the material. Through this project we hope to gain confidence in our own abilities as social workers and improve the way we function in group work settings.

Some sources of lit that may be relevant to use for the 5 pieces of lit:
1 TI: Adolescent sexuality and parent-adolescent processes: promoting healthy teen choices.
AU: Meschke-L.L; Bartholomae-S; Zentall-S.R
SO: Family-Relations. 49(2): 143-154, Apr. 2000.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

2 TI: The effects of an abstinence-based sex education program on middle school students' knowledge and beliefs.
AU: Arnold-E.M; Smith-T.E; Harrison-D.F; Springer-D.W
SO: Research-on-Social-Work-Practice. 9(1): 10-24, Jan. 1999.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

3 TI: The advantages of experimental designs for evaluating sex education programs.
AU: Metcalf-C.E
SO: Children-and-Youth-Services-Review. 19(7): 507-523, Nov. 1997.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

4 TI: Trade-offs in designing a social program experiment.
AU: Dynarski-M
SO: Children-and-Youth-Services-Review. 19(7): 525-540, Nov. 1997.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

5 TI: Sex education and abstinence: programs and evaluation.
AU: Besharov-D.J; Gardiner-K.N
SO: Children-and-Youth-Services-Review. 19(7): 501-506, Nov. 1997.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

6 TI: Nonexperimental designs and program evaluation.
AU: Kisker-E.E; Brown-R.S
SO: Children-and-Youth-Services-Review. 19(7): 541-566, Nov. 1997.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

7 TI: Using self reports to measure program impact.
AU: Sonenstein-F.L
SO: Children-and-Youth-Services-Review. 19(7): 567-585, Nov. 1997.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

8 TI: Thinking through evaluation design options.
AU: Devaney-B; Rossi-P
SO: Children-and-Youth-Services-Review. 19(7): 587-606, Nov. 1997.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

9 TI: Contraceptive health programs for adolescents: a critical review.
AU: Lagana-L; Hayes-D-M
SO: Adolescence. 28(110): 347-59, Summer 1993.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

10 TI: Considering the adolescent's point of view: a marketing model for sex education.
AU: Campbell-T-A; Campbell-D-E
SO: Journal-of-Sex-Education-and-Therapy. 16(3): 184-93, Fall 1990.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

11 TI: Utilizing a game for both needs assessment and learning in adolescent sexuality education.
AU: Shifman-L; Scott-C-S; Fawcett-N
SO: Social-Work-with-Groups. 9(2): 41-56, 1986.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

12 TI: Another look at sex education in schools: an empirical analysis.
AU: Corcoran-K-J; Plante-C-J; Robbins-S-P
SO: School-Social-Work-Journal. 8(2): 98-107, 1984.
Complete Record
In Database: Social Work Abstracts 1977-2004/12.

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