Art of War

Antoine-Henri Jomini, the Art of War

Jomini's the Art of War is based on the authors experiences in the Crimean War and the Napoleonic Wars. War is presented as an art, and yet Jomini's emphasis is on strategy and decisiveness.

Author's Identity: Antoine-Henri Jomini was born in Switzerland in 1779. He came of age during the French Revolution, and understood well the fusion between politics, diplomacy, and military tactics. Jomini served with both French and Russian armies. A large part of Jomini's career was spent as an adviser, strategist, and military scholar. He served as adviser to two Russian tsars and devoted the latter part of his career to writing and analysis.

Author's Purpose and Intended Audience: Jomini writes for an audience of his peers, including military generals, strategists, political maneuverers, and military scholars as well.

Historical Context of the Work: The author came of age during...
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