Cyber crime is an ongoing and growing problem for businesses, for government, and for private individuals throughout the world. This paper identifies the kinds of cyber crime that are threatening computer users, notably businesses. It also proposes strategies that businesses can embrace that will (in many cases) prevent the intrusion of cyber criminals into servers and hard drives.

What particular cyber crimes do businesses / individuals need to be wary of?

An article in the peer-reviewed journal Performance Improvement (Nykodym, et al., 2010) points out -- using FBI data from 2005 -- that computer crimes cost American organizations an estimated $67.2 billion every year. Not all cyber crimes are committed against businesses in order to steal passwords and intrude into servers to re-route financial information or actually seize funds from companies. In fact an FBI update in 2012 reports that the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has received 290,000 complaints...
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