The depth of the problem can be seen in the results of a survey reported by Booth, Koester, Brewster, and Weibel (1991) which show that over fifty percent of the subjects injected drugs on a daily basis, while 70% shared needles with other addicts. Only 22% used a disinfectant with their needles every time they injected. It was further found that 86% shared a "cooker" with other users, and nearly fifty percent reported injecting in a shooting gallery. These subjects were not merely dangerous to themselves, either, since 90% reported having sexual relations in the six months prior to the interview, with one-half having had multiple partners. The subjects rarely used condoms (Booth, Koester, Brewster, and Weibel, 1991).

This was the situation after a long effort at public education on the dangers of HIV infection and ways to avoid it. Leukefeld, Battjes, and Amsel (1990) suggest, along with many other...
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