Global Situation Creating Conflict

Negotiation and Decision Making Styles Dialogue

German and American cultural communication style differences

Global market situation creating conflict

In many respects, Germany is very similar to the United States in terms of its business practices, at least in comparison to more high-context communication cultures such as Japan and France. Germans place a strong emphasis on 'saying what you mean.' In fact, in contrast to businesspersons from the United States, Germans are often considered more blunt and direct in their style when speaking about business-related issues. However, there are also a number of distinct cultural differences between the two national groups. For example, "Germans are often uneasy with uncertainty, ambiguity and unquantifiable risk. This has become manifest in both social and business spheres. Socially, Germans lean towards conservatism and conformism" (Doing business in Germany, 2013, Kwintessential).

In contrast, Americans tend to view risk in a more approving...
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