Nursing Metaparadigms and Practice-Specific Concepts

Since Florence Nightingale, there have been a number of so-called grand theories of nursing advanced, and these grand theories have been used by other nursing theorists to conceptualize metaparadigms of practice that continue to influence clinical practice today. In addition, the central concepts of nursing are person, nursing, environment and health have formed the basis for other nursing theorists such as Jean Watson's Philosophy and Science of Caring and Madeleine Leininger and her Cultural Diversity and Universality Theory. This paper provides a review of the relevant literature concerning these issues, followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning nursing metaparadigms and practice-specific concepts in the conclusion.

Review and Discussion

Nursing Autobiography

My background in nursing is in long-term and home care. In these capacities, I have had a number of opportunities to apply the four metaparadigms of nursing as discussed further below....
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