Intervention Programs

The value, characteristics, and purpose of an RTI program to a professional educational environment.

What are the advantages of an RTI ("Response to Intervention") program for an inner city school environment? A peer-reviewed article in Learning Disabilities Research & Practice explains that first of all, RTI refers to a "school-wide prevention framework" that provides a way for school staff to make the right decisions for students when students need help academically and behaviorally (Prewett, et al., 2012). Typically the RTI strategy will use accumulated data and other resources so that instructors can make well-educated decisions about which interventions are working, which are not effective, and which ones are needed in particular student situations.

Basically, teachers and administrators and of course counselors use certain interventions to "maximize student achievement" and "reduce behavior problems" (Prewett, 136). Then there must be a response to those interventions to see how helpful they...
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