9. How did the new psychology influenced the birth of key movements in the arts: expressionism, dada, and surrealism? Surrealism, dada, and expressionism represent three generations of avante garde protest against "rational" modernism and the meaningless, war and violence filled society that it brought about. They were a reaction against modernism and their great grandchild, postmodernism continues this tradition of social protest. The new psychology of individuals such as Freud and Jung laid bare the "rational" bases of Western culture and showed that we were little better than the mindless primitives that we claimed not to be. Surrealism, dada, and expressionism are merely avante guard reactions against the meaninglessness and nihilism of modern society and it illustrates this by accentuating this and bringing it forward. It is meant to offend and bring about revolutionary change in the process via the social consciousness it produces.

10. Why did the airing of...
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