For that reason, the infancy: trust vs. mistrust (birth to eighteen months), will not be applied. There is not enough information provided during that time period to be able to critically analyze Will's development. Industry vs. Inferiority (ages 6-11), Identity vs. Role Confusion (ages 12-18), and Intimacy vs. Isolation (ages 19-40), however, is applicable. The fourth stage, school age: industry vs. inferiority (six to eleven years) is the age in which the child begins school and while their social world expands (Salkind, N.J., 2005). During this stage, children are able to interact with people outside of their nuclear family and begin to show skills that include playing, cognition, working in groups, and emotional expression (Berzoff, J., 2011). Will appears to be very confident in himself and does not appear to have a problem speaking in front of groups, regarding philosophy, but is still unable to reach full potential. This supports...
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