Financial Reporting on the Internet (AMETEK, Inc.)

The company's management as AMETEK observes in its 2012 annual report is responsible for not only the preparation but also the integrity of the financial statements and other related information (AMETEK, Inc., 2012).

As the company further points out in its annual report, its financial statements conform to the provisions of GAAP (AMETEK, Inc., 2012). The relevance of following the standard set of accounting policies cannot be overstated. To begin with, these standards come in handy in the enhancement of uniformity. As Warren and Reeve (2006) observe, this uniformity helps various stakeholders including but not limited to investors to compare one company against another. Confusion would most likely result were individual companies to prepare financial statements in different formats. It is also important to note that GAAP help in the standardization as well as regulation of accounting methods, assumptions, and definitions. For this...
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