This critical test analyses an applicant's aptitude in solving job related problems through providing details about their mental abilities like mathematical and verbal reasoning. This includes speed in recognizing alphabetical letters. This test would be useful because it has proved to elicit valid inferences for numerous organizational benefits (Heneman, Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012).

Personal characteristics inventory

In my selection process, I will be measuring traits in working settings such as conscientiousness, extraversion, and stress tolerance, openness to new experiences, productivity and emotional stability. Therefore, Personal characteristics inventory test will be the best in measuring traits associated to behavior at work, satisfaction at work and interpersonal interactions. Personal characteristics inventory tests will help me assess whether applicants have the potential to succeed in jobs requiring a great deal of work teams or interpersonal interaction settings (Heneman, Judge & Kammeyer-Mueller, 2012).

A set of interview questions

Interviews tend to vary based on...
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