Though the idea encompasses any personal relationship with and worship of the divine, it is not nearly that inclusive when examined from a holistic viewpoint. Instead, there are divisions in bhakti worship. "The major forms of bhakti are described by Hindus themselves, not only by their special relation to particular forms of deity, but also according to the various moods of the devotee" (Carman 1987, p. 587). In fact, being a bhakta is an experience that can differ tremendously depending on the individual. Some bhaktas are very similar to monks or priests in other religious traditions, in that their entire existence and living is devoted to the expression of religious devotion. Interestingly enough, those bhaktas may be the most outside of the traditional Hindu experience, which focuses on major life events that have very secular elements, such as marriage and childbirth.

"Each combination of bhava and rasa uses a particular...
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