
Evaluating Twitter as a Communications, Collaboration

And Teaching Tool

The ability to quickly connect, collaborate and learn from others is one of the most valuable aspects of social media today. The reliance on social media strategies by companies to connect with their prospects and customers continues to show exceptional value for customer relationship management and customer support as well (Bernoff, Li, 2008). Of the many social networks gaining continued acceptance and use, Twitter is unique in that is has just 140 characters, complimented with the ability to attach location data, pictures, even videos.

Why Twitter Matters

As Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff often said in their best-selling book Groundswell and in their co-authored article on the MIT Review (Bernoff, Li, 2008), Twitter has redefined the concept of communication, collaboration and is serving as a foundation for making learning more interactive and less pedantic. From personal observation it is clear...
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