Although prisoner rape is violative of international, U.S., and state laws, the historic response to prisoner rape has been inadequate and indifferent. According to Jenness and Smythe, it was the specific intent of the PREA to address these issues. As Jenness and Smyth point out, "Current institutional policies regarding sexual violence are in need of reform and greater enforcement. The Prison Rape Elimination Act creates important incentives and standards, encouraging states to respond more responsibly" (p. 490). In sum, despite the adoption of the recommendations by the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission, PREA represents a step in the right direction in modern correctional management.

By contrast, in her study, "Introduction: Sexuality, Criminalization, and Social Control," Sears (2010) reports that, "Although PREA addresses a clear and pressing problem (sexual violence in prison), observers have criticized its primary focus on violent rape between male prisoners and its relative neglect of staff sexual...
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