This allows them to follow these events and connect with the different characters. At the same time, this kind of production is using a chorus and other elements to help the audience associate it with modern works. (Walsh, 1993) (Osborne, 2004) ("Stravinsky Oedipus Rex," 2012)

These different formats are showing how the production can be adapted to different theaters and stages. This helps to make Oedipus Rex more understood and to connect everyone with the primary themes. Furthermore, these elements are used to add a sense of excitement and allow the audience to understand what is happening. (Walsh, 1993) (Osborne, 2004) ("Stravinsky Oedipus Rex," 2012)

Clearly, Stravinsky is using Oedipus Rex to create a unique work through the traditional elements of classic Greek tragedies with current plays. This helps the audience to understand more effectively about what is occurring and to relate to the main characters / themes. These fundamentals...
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