Wal Mart Case Continuation

WalMart in China

Annotated Outline of Final Project

WalMart Globally: Why a Fast-Fail Mentality Pays

Failures in Germany & South Korea a Result of Strong Ethnocentrism

Both failures show the WalMart corporate culture had a very strong bias towards ethnocentrism (Ming-Ling, Donegan, Ganon, Kan, 2011) including a believe in their distribution and supply chain systems being so advanced that they could transcend cultural boundaries (Taylor, 2003).

Failures Showed Weaknesses In Managing Governments And Ignorance Of Their Roles As Stakeholders

German government sues WalMart for violation of worker rights, specifically in the area of hours they attempted to push workers to be on the job (WalMart Investor Relations, 2013).

Chinese government courted as a key stakeholder and full disclosure given over how satellite uplinks are used (Ming-Ling, Donegan, Ganon, Kan, 2011) and the WalMart executive management team starts thinking with the same Long-Term orientation (LTO) as exemplified...
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