To start with, finances have to be availed for the institution of long-term care that is responsive to challenges that the frail Baby Boomers contend with. A viable and affordable community-based delivery system must be built. To achieve lower disability rates, stakeholders should make an undertaking to invest in healthy aging. Finally, the concept of family and the value of seniors in American culture have to be recharged (Knickman & Snell, 2002). The review of this report has made me know the current sources of financing for the long-term care services of the elderly. I have realized that Medicare's coverage only focuses on home care related to medical problems like broken hips and is essentially restricted to people receiving rehabilitation. It doesn't cater for long-term care (Knickman & Snell, 2002). The report has made me appreciate the role federal Medicaid program plays in long-term care financing of the frail and...
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