He discovered that a filament carbonized thread was crucial to a long-lasting light bulb. After his electric company of New York was incorporated in late 1880, Edison concentrated on developing and installing a central generating system. The central generating system consisted of central power plants with generators known as dynamos and the light bulbs among others. He then received over two hundred patents between 1879 and 1882 since he resolved several problems in producing, distributing, and metering of electric current ("Electricity," n.d.). In addition to this, Edison created the most basic equipment for generating, distributing, and metering of electricity i.e. sockets, meters, fuses, switches, and fixtures.

He was a proponent of underground electric mains and services that would be similar to the model for gas and water distribution. Edison created the largest ever dynamos that weighed around 27 tons and an output of 100 kilowatts that could power over 1,100...
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