Microbiology & Spontaneous Generation

Microbiology is the study of microbes that are practically invisible to the human eye. Although microbes are usually associated with causing and aiding disease, they are essential organisms in the ecological world. They allow for life to thrive and are of great interests for food, scientific, and medical industries (Black, 2008). The term microorganism encompasses bacteria, protozoa, fungi, archaea, parasites, algae, prions, and viruses (Nester, Anderson, & Roberts, 2012). Each of these types of microorganism is responsible for everything that can essentially cause illness in living organisms, but are also necessary for the proper functioning of a mammal's digestive tract. However, in early scientific history, as illnesses were being investigated and the cell theory was beginning to emerge, the question about whether life could come out of nowhere was being explored. Because the majority of microorganisms were practically invisible, early microbiologists did not understand the concept...
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