Dominican Republic History

The Dominican Republic was a nation bound by the Haitian government before rebelling and becoming an independent nation. During this time of political upheaval and social uprising, various men stood forth as the leaders of the policy-changing movements that were occurring at the time. After one of the founding fathers of the Dominican Republic, Juan Pablo Duarte, was exiled, two men came into power: Pedro Santana and Buenaventura Baez (San Miguel, 2009). Both men contributed greatly to the political and economic demise of the Dominican Republic. These two self-proclaimed generals initiated the time period known as the Era of the Dual Cuadillos.

Pedro Santana, the first self-proclaimed President and later dictator of the Dominican Republic had a background in the military. It was this exact background that gave him to power to overtake Duarte's government and appoint himself the Dominican Republic's first President after obtaining freedom from...
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