Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) was enacted as part of the 2009 bailout. The focus of the act is initiating "incentives related to health care information technology…and specific incentives designed to accelerate the adoption of electronic health record systems among providers (No author, 2013).

There has been a longstanding push to implement electronic health records in the U.S. health care system, for a variety of reasons. The Obama Administration has placed special emphasis on EHR, not only with HITECH but also in the Affordable Care Act as well. Arlotto (2010) outlines seven strategies for improving HITECH readiness in health care organizations. These are to invest in transformational infrastructure; build clinical information expertise; develop a business intelligence strategy; invest in physician business services infrastructure; explore a medical trading area health information exchange; and develop an e-strategy for engaging patients.

These tactics are designed to help health...
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