This initiative roughly costs $4.4 million when fully implemented (CDC, 2010). The city council should make sure that there are policies that promote walking and cycling to work by providing bicycle storage at public transportation stations, bus stops, and city car-share points. Authorities should also ensure that there are well-lighted cross-walks and signal timing. The cyclists and the pedestrians need to use the road and the intersections freely with the barriers removed particularly near public transportation intersections. There should be well lit sidewalks, shared-use paths, safe roadway crossing, and safe pedestrian and bicycling connections.

Authorities should come up with legislations that criminalize driving to work alone. This will encourage carpooling or even make private car owners to use public transport. This will significantly reduce the production of automobile emissions. Single occupancy vehicles make several trips to carry a big number of people to a given destination (CDC, 2010). Carpooling enhances...
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