Differences in international orientation include ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, and regiocentric. Each of these has varying levels of recognition of how diverse one culture is relative to another with the ethnocentric mindset being the most biased towards ones' own culture being the best. The one that sees a more accurate view of globalization is polycentric which sees the unique values of each culture on its own merits. Globalization has also seen the growth of geocentric and regoicentric mindsets as companies expand faster than people can assimilate to new cultures.

b. Give an example of a truly global/transnational company. Explain why this company fits in that category.

Coca-Cola is an ideal example of a company that is global and transnational given its presence in over 160 nations and the use of regional and in-country bottlers. Coca-Cola also has a significant supply chain across each of the countries it operates in globally as...
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