Ethical Principles in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Discuss Principles

• Autonomy

The principle of autonomy is used to address the idea of independence. The importance of this principle is that it allows an individual to have the freedom of action and choice. It addresses the counselor's responsibility of encouraging patients appropriately to make informed decisions, and act in accordance to their own values. In order for clients to become autonomous, it requires two primary considerations: assisting patients to understand how their decisions and actions may be rejected or accepted in the society and how they might affect the overall society. Second, the client must be able to make informed, rational and sound decisions (Aasheim, 2012).

• Non- maleficence

The concept of non-maleficence focuses on not inflicting harm on other people. It is usually described as 'do no harm'. The principle is held as the most crucial among all the principles,...
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