The total imports will tell you how much how strong the economy is based upon areas that are being heavily taxed. This is because the non-direct taxation system, will tax imports and other items, as a way to raise revenues for the government. (McCann 2006, pp. 37 -- 53) By comparing this number with the information presented earlier, we can see the total effects of the non-direct taxation policy on the economy and the government. When you look at the total number of imports that were being received, it is clear that this figure is following a similar trend as the rest of the economy. With total imports coming in at: $881.6 million for 2007, $876.5 million for 2008 and $735.9 million for 2009. The below chart illustrates the overall declines that were seen with imports during this time. (Cayman Islands Annual Economic Report 2007) (Cayman Islands Annual Economic Report...
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