Beach is one of my favorite places to relax, unwind and be at peace with myself. It has an abundance of sun, a refreshing ocean breeze and exceptionally soft sand. What a wonderful source of contentment!

Picture an extraordinarily warm winter's day, 50 degrees, brilliant rays shining down from a translucent sapphire sky. At the horizon's edge, the water is dotted with local fishermen, casting rods into the water in the hopes of catching their dinner. The soft winter's light shimmers on the surface, glinting waves lap at their vessels. Only occasionally, a stir of excitement as something wriggling is pulled from the deep.

A gentle breeze plays with my long blonde locks, bringing with the fresh, salty air of childhood memories, and a fleeting promise of early spring. Soon this sandy stretch will be filled with sunseekers, aiming for that perfect tan. Children will run and scream, building sandcastles...
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