

Subsequent Acts





Income Statement Presentation

Income Statement Items

Net Income Trend

Comprehensive Income

Cash Flow Statement

Cash Flow from Operations

Cash Flow from Investing Activities

The annual report of a company contains the information required for outsiders to assess the company's financial condition. In order that this is possible, a substantial amount of information must be gathered and presented in a format common to all companies. The official annual report document, the 10-K, must be filed by all public American companies, and many also include an informal annual report along with this document. This report will analyze the annual report of PepsiCo in order to better understand the company.


PepsiCo's auditor is KPMG. They provide their opinion on page 81 of the 2011 Annual Report. The opinion of KPMG with respect to the financial statements is as follows: "In our opinion, the consolidated...
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