Nutritional needs vary depending on people and rely on other aspects such as weaknesses of genetics, disease predisposition, diet, age, health state, work, nutrition imbalance, climate, daily activities and emotional activities. Exposure to physical and mental stress may ridiculously cause an increase in certain amounts of nutrients, which exceeds the daily-recommended intake. Poor health will deny people the freedom to work towards achieving their goals and so on. In case of any health disorder, this will interfere with the normal functioning of an individual. The people who are mostly around that individual will be affected. Many of the daily activities would be affected, and relationships will suffer a terrific deal (Brug & Oenema, 2009).


Brug, J. Oenema, a. & Ferreira, I. (2009) Theory, evidence and intervention mapping to improve behavior nutrition and physical activity interventions. California: Cengage Learning.

Croll, K., Neumark-Sztainer, D. & Story, M. (2006) Healthy eating. Michigan:...
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