Harry Potter

The hero of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series is a remarkably complex character for one that is crafted to relate to a young adult readership. In the first book of the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, which was renamed Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for American readers only. As Davis points out, the too-intelligent or sophisticated sounding word "philosopher" might have put off American readers. The word "sorcerer" simply sounded more exciting. Regardless of the title, the character of Harry Potter remains the same: a stalwart hero that captivates the reader's attention from the first few pages. When readers first meet Harry Potter, he is an awkward young boy but one who is undoubtedly destined for something special. After all, the title of the first chapter of the novel is "The Boy Who Lived." The remarkable story of his birth characterizes much of Harry's life...
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