Facility Risk Management

Risk Management Facility Issue: Infant Abduction

Risk is defined as "anything that threatens the ability of [a] business to accomplish its mission." (Pakeys, 2010) The risk management plan is held to be "much broader than the emergency preparedness plan" and involves the management of risk, which offers a method of protecting against unforeseen hazards, and the routine risks faced by workers each day. (Pakeys, 2010) The express reason for a risk management plan in Facility Management is lower the likelihood that an accident or failure event occurs and to minimize the results in terms of consequences of accidents or failure events.

Developing and Implementing a Facility Risk Management Program

According to the Nurses Service Organization there are specific steps to taken in the facility risk management planning which includes: (1) stating the goals of the organization; (2) describing the program's scope, components and methods; (3) delegation of...
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