Breast Cancer in Malaysia

Breast cancer has turned out to be one of the most common cancers in women in almost every part of the world. Nonetheless, there is a noticeable geographical difference in the incidence and also the stage of presentation. It has ben documented to be uppermost in North Europe and North America, in-between in Mediterranean nations and South America, and not high at all in Asia and Africa nations (Abdullah, 2003). During the year of 2000 there had been 1,050,346 circumstances of breast cancer that had been documented international and 372,969 deaths from the illness (Sharifah, 2010). In industrialized nations the incidence was around 94.93 per 100,000 populace, and in less advanced states it somewhere around 19.66 per 100,000 populations (Taib, 2012). With that said this essay will discuss breast cancer in Malaysia.

Background and Definition of the Problem

The basic issue is the lack of a...
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