Algorithm is a computable set of steps arranged thus in order to achieve a certain end. There are various algorithms used in bioinformatics and not all are necessarily deterministic. Some are in fact known as randomized algorithms that incorporate randomness.

Classification of algorithms in Bioinformatics

Classification by purpose

Each algorithm has a goal. The Quick Sort algorithm for instance sorts data in ascending or descending order, but algorithms in bioinformatics are grouped by their particular purpose.

Classification by implementation

An algorithm has different fundamental principles:

Recursive or iterative

This is common for programming that is used in bioinformatics and is iterative or repetitive until it has found its match. It goes in a loop. Usually used for functional programming, it uses repetitive constructs and is best used for problems such as the towers of Hanoi problem which is imbued with recursive implementation and therefore has these iterative equivalents. An example...
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