Stress Management for a Healthy Behavior

Explore efforts a health behavior Stress Management. Why behavior important engage ? 2. What motivations behavior ( intrinsic extrinsic motivation)? 3. What positive negative influences

Importance of engaging in stress management

Stress management is an important behavior to engage in as stress can lead to serious health complications and reduce a person's quality of life states de Brouwer et al. (2011)

A person who is stressed has a high blood pressure, increased heart rate, tensed muscles, and a rise in their respiration rate. Continuous stress levels will put a person's body in a perpetual response state. This means that they will always have a high blood pressure, above normal blood sugar levels, and their muscles tensed always.

According to Roohafza et al. (2012)

engaging in stress management, a person is able to regulate their bodily functions and ensuring that they maintain good health. Stress...
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