Child abuse maltreatment limited an age occur infant, toddler, preschool, school-age years. Choose age groups (infant, toddler, preschool, school age) discuss types abuse age. Discuss warning signs physical emotional assessment findings nurse child abuse.
Reporting suspected child abuse: The nurses' dilemma
Accusing a parent or other relative of child abuse is a serious allegation, and nurses are understandably often reluctant to take such a step. Common signs of child abuse in school-age children include (but are not limited to): "bruises, fractures or burns that are not adequately explained" (such as cigarette burns); sexually explicit comments by the child that are not age-appropriate; unexplained genital or rectal injuries; sexually-transmitted diseases; abnormal behavior or behavioral changes; reported nightmares; simulation of sexual acts by him or herself or with peers; psychosomatic headaches and stomachaches; withdrawal from peers; depression; low self-esteem; "indiscriminate affection toward all adults;" signs of neglect; inadequately dress; being unclean; "poor...
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