Bermuda Triangle

Like the statues on Easter Island, the curse of the mummy in Egypt, UFOs, and the Loch Ness Monster, the Bermuda Triangle has become a fascinating and enduring legend. What exactly takes place in the mysterious zone known also as the Devil's Triangle, which spans Miami, Bermuda, and San Juan, Puerto Rico, to cause the death and disappearance of dozens or more ships, planes, and their crews? Apparently, large numbers of ships, aircraft, and people have suddenly and inexplicably disappeared in this nebulous zone. The prevalence of inexplicable phenomena, and the types of experiences survivors of the Bermuda Triangle have had, had led to a number of theories postulating why these events take place. Many of those theories are based in empirical science, including geophysics. Other theories are based in paranormal and parapsychological paradigms, which are far more captivating. These paranormal explanations have fueled a litany of books,...
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