Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Grade Course

Individuals boasting about their looks, magnifying their social status and yearning the need of perfection might be considered as some examples of narcissism at a glance. However, in order to diagnose someone with narcissistic personality disorder, the individual must meet certain symptoms which are prevalent for a substantial amount of time.

In this regard, a personality disorder as stated by the DSM IV TR (2000) is a prolonged lasting prototype of behavior as well as an inner experience which is considered to be abnormal merely because of the fact that it deviates from the cultural norm and expectations. Moreover, a personality disorder is present for a long duration which arises at the emergence of adolescence or during young adulthood. It is pervasive and quite stable over a time period and hence results in distress along with impairment. Furthermore, while talking about a personality disorder it...
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